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Dedicated to Zorabelle for the idea.


The wind lifts my hair off my shoulders, and I can feel it as Tobias runs a hand over my growing stomach. I smile at him as the baby kicks and he laughs, kissing my neck gently.

"I swear, she knows it's you." I tease, leaning further into his chest.

"Mm," he muses as he pushes his bare foot down on our patio, effectively swinging us in the large hammock. "I just hope she likes me when she's born. Even at one, Tristan doesn't seem like he likes me much."

"Oh hush." I chuckles, punching his chest lightly. "He's just a mama's boy."

"Yeah...well at least this one will like me— right, baby?" He coos, placing a kiss on my stomach and laughing again when our baby kicks.

"Not to mention Lily. She's in love with you."

"I love that little girl...I hope she's behaving herself with Devlynne."

"Me too." I agree, shaking my head a little. "Dev brings the worst out in her sometimes."

"Yeah, Zeke and Shauna need to get a hold on Dev's behavior before Austin's born." Tobias reaches up to brush some hair out of my face, and my lips lift into a grin.

"Hey! Speaking of Austin," I turn in his lap a little and look down at his surprised blue eyes. "What's our baby's name?"

"I can choose?" His voice hitches a little at the end, as if he cant believe I'm giving him the opportunity; I just nod eagerly, biting my lip.

"But I get to choose her middle name."

"That's fair." He confirms, his face morphed with thought. A few seconds later, he speaks. "How about...Abigail?" I smile slowly, kissing his lips again.

"That's perfect...And I have the perfect middle name."

"Really now?" He cocks an eyebrow and leans back further, a smirk on his face. "Let's hear it."

"Abigail Rose. Abigail Rose Eaton." He stares at me for a second, and I start worrying that he doesn't like it, but before I can ask him, he sits up a little and presses his lips to mine is a short, chaste kiss. When he pulls away, he presses our foreheads together and smiles.

"I think it's perfect."

"I knew it." I whisper smugly, leaning closer to him so I can give him another kiss. Just as things start getting interesting, Tristan's shrill baby cry erupts from the baby monitor and I sigh.

"Shit." I start to stand up, but Tobias tugs my hand back and makes me sit down before rising himself.

"I'll get him, but you might want to turn the monitor off. He probably won't stop crying until I give up and bring him to you." He says the last part rather grumpily and stalks towards the patio's French doors.

"Thank you Toby." I call as he steps one foot inside. He pauses and throws me a tired smile.

"Anything for you, baby girl."


The rest of the evening goes by quickly, and Abigail kicks continuously through the night. She seems to be excited or something, because the past week or two, that's all she's done. I'm still trying to figure out when the kid sleeps.

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