Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Okay Will, where to?"

"Can you get into the building where you crashed? It's abandoned and it lets out at an intersection that you need to get through."

"Uh, yeah." Four replies, dragging me to the front of the car. He's about to help lift me onto the hood so I can slide through the hole when I remember my missing gun.

"Wait!" I demand, turning around so I can climb through the broken windshield.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Four questions, grabbing my ankle.

"My gun fell out of my waistband in the crash and it's got my prints all over it! Give me a second to find it."

I stick one leg through the opening and onto the passenger seat before lunging sideways into the car so I'm crouching on the seat. It does't take long to find the gun, as it's just laying on the floor underneath the dashboard, it's black surface glinting menacingly in the sunlight, as if it knows it's deadly. Reaching down, I grab it and begin getting out just as I got in, but as my head passes under the roof, my front foot slips on some glass and I fall onto the bits of glass still poking up through the car where the windshield was. I can feel the glass slit through my legging and bury itself in the delicate skin on the inside of my left thigh, a burning sensation crawls down my leg and blood begins pouring onto the hood of the car.

"Shit!" I yell, clutching the wound. Four sees the blood an mimics my words before jumping onto the hood and sliding into the building. He walks a little bit into the building and for a moment, I thought he was going to leave me, but he comes back into the light, this time he only has a white undershirt on. How the hell did he fit an undershirt under an Under Armor shirt?

"Come here." He says, calm as can be. I slide forward a little and he grabs my leg and inspects the wound for a moment. When it seems that he finally decided how to bandage my injury, he begins wrapping his shirt around it tightly. I can hear the sirens getting closer and I want to tell Four to leave while he still can, but for some reason I can't get the words to form in my mouth.

He finishes tying a knot in the sleeves and grabs my hand. He puts my hand on his shoulder before lifting me off the hood of the car and setting me gently on my feet in the building.

"What happened? Your GPS says you aren't moving yet and people I don't need to be rude but my girlfriend needs to be saved and there's a whole fleet of police coming your way."

"Give us a second, Will. Tris got cut by some glass." Four responds, his voice hard. Police sirens start getting louder. "You okay? When we get to the safe house to get weapons we'll be able to bandage and numb it, but we have to get there first."

"I'm fine, but since when were we going to a safe house?"

"You weren't awake for that conversation last night." Will tells me in my earpiece.

"Okay, you're fine so, where am I going for right now Will?" Four asks, grabbing my hand so he can lead me through the dark building. I can feel my blood on his hand.

"You actually aren't far from the safe house, only about half a mile, so what you're gonna do is go to the opposite side of the warehouse and just walk out that door." We do as he says and are let out of the building probably a hundred yards away from an intersection on our right. "You see the intersection?" Will asks.


"Okay, so go ahead and cross the street where you are then you're just going to go to that intersection and take a left before crossing the street. There should be a restaurant about twenty yards down the sidewalk called Paxia." Four tugs my hand and we jog to the intersection, my leg throbs and I can feel the blood drying into my clothes but we have to get to the safe house.

We start walking down the sidewalk and I point out the restaurant that Will told us about. Suddenly, three police cars zip through the intersection, sirens blaring. "My blood is all over the accident site." I state, fighting the urge to go back and watch them as the remove the dead bodies and inspect the blood.

"But they have nothing to compare it to, so there's no way to trace it back to you." Will tells me, matter-of-factly.

"What about the car?" Four inquires, getting the wheels in my own brain turning. We pass by Paxia and I take my hand out of Four's.

"The plates are fake. As for the car itself, there's no way to find out how we even got it, therefore there's no way for them to find out that we got it."

"Okay, so no one can find us, good. Now, are we almost there?" I ask, feeling tired and sluggish. I've lost a lot of blood already.

"Um, yes. The second alley on your left is one of the entrances."

We walk about forty more yards before we get to the alley, at which point I walk into it and lean against the beige concrete wall for a moment to catch my breath. Four keeps walking for a couple steps before realizing I'm not beside him. He turns to look at me.

"You okay?"

"Um, yeah. Just give me a second to rest. I've, um, I-I've just lost a lot of blood."

"The entrance is about a fifty yards ahead of you. You can make it, Tris." Will tells me, but it does little to motivate me.

"I just want to sleep." I reply, allowing myself to close my eyes for a moment. Then, out of the blue, I feel Four reach an arm under my legs and another around my back. When I open my eyes, he's carrying me bridal style down the alley. "I can do it. I just needed a minute to rest."

"Tris," Four starts. "In case you haven't noticed, you're kinda small and your body already doesn't have a whole lot of blood because you're so small. And you just lost a lot of it, so you need to rest. I'll put you down as soon as soon as we get inside though."

"Fine." I spit out through clenched teeth. Why the hell am I suddenly the girl who is constantly getting hurt?

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