Chapter Thirty

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"Hello, Tris." Peter grits out, his shadowed face looming over mine; I must be lying down. I swivel my head to look at my surroundings, expecting them to be dark, but everything's bare and white with bright white lights making everything just seem pristine. I twist a little but there are restraints on the examination table to keep me from going too far.

"Where am I Peter?" I question, squinting up at his evil eyes.

"You'll find out soon enough." He backs away from the table and I watch as he grabs a syringe filled with a blue liquid off of a rolling cart near me.

"What's that?" He chuckles at me, his lips twisting into a wicked smile. His teeth seem too white, as though they're the exact color of the walls and his eyes dilate with pleasure, almost so big that I can't see the green irises.

"You'll find out soon enough." I follow his movements with my eyes as he approaches the table with the syringe hanging from his grip. He grabs my arm and finds the vein in the bend of my elbow before whispering, "Good luck." I watch as the needle pierces my skin with a little bit of a sting and I want to ask if that's why he was wishing me luck, but when he pushes down on the plunger, I understand.

I scream as the mysterious blue liquid is released into my body. I can feel it burning my insides as it travels to the tips of my fingers then it turns and slithers from my arm into my heart. I feel my body begin jerking uncontrollably from the pain. I can feel my heart pulsing, pushing the liquid to my head, my chest, my legs, my feet, my neck. The whole time I thrash violently, shrieking like my life depended on it, and it felt as though it did. If I didn't scream, I must have been dead.

Then, without warning, I black out.

My teary eyes snap open, and I stare above me at the white ceiling, petrified. Black bed covers had wrapped themselves around my legs as I must have been kicking in my sleep. The dream had felt so real, even now, I can feel the searing pain splitting me in half like a block of wood.

I hear the door open and I turn my head to see Four walking in, but I just look back at the ceiling.

"Hey, these rooms are mostly soundproof, but I thought I heard something, everything okay?" He stays by the door, but I can feel his eyes on me.

"Have you ever had a nightmare that felt so real, you could still feel it after you woke up?" I ask him, my throat scratchy so I must have been screaming in real life, too.

", not really, but my nightmares don't consist of people hurting me..."

"Isn't that what a nightmare is?" I ask him, that was always my definition of a nightmare. "Bad things happening to you?" My head swivels to look at him, and he studies my bloodshot eyes and wet cheeks for a moment before walking to the bed. He sits on the edge before replying.

"Not for me, bad things have happened to me before, so I'm not that frightened of them anymore."

"Then what do you have nightmares about?" He glances at me through hard eyes before looking away again.

"Bad things happening to other people, most of which are things that I do to them." He looks up and stares at the wall as we sit in a weighted silence. Eventually he stands and begins walking towards the door. When he reaches it, he looks back at me.

"You should probably start getting ready, there are clothes that should fit you in the closet off of the bathroom. Will said he'll have a plan for us within the next hour." Then, he leaves.


As Four had told me, there were clothes exactly my size for me to fit into in the closet. I pick out the exact same outfit that I was wearing and change into that, then I throw my hair up in a ponytail and I'm done.

I walk back to the medical room, but Four isn't there. I turn back around and find myself near the bedrooms. I continue down the corridor until I see a door cracked open. My arm reaches out, I push through the door and stride into the room. I step towards the bathroom when I see that that there isn't anyone in the main bedroom and then I see him.

He's looking in the mirror shirtless and his bare back is facing me, revealing the tattoo that I had thought I'd seen earlier. His back is a
almost completely covered with black flames that wrap themselves around not only his back but his ribs also. He must not have gotten it done too long ago because his skin is still swollen in places, but even with the swelling, it's incredibly sexy. I see his eyes flash to mine and his face turns to concrete. He grabs his shirt off the counter and quickly puts it on, much to my chagrin.

"Well, you got a tattoo." I comment awkwardly. Way to state the obvious, Tris.

"Yeah," He bites out, his jaw clenched. "I did." Man, what crawled up his ass?

"When did you get it?"

"I've been going back to the tattoo parlor every few days to add to it, but he finally finished about two days ago."

"Does it hurt? And is it still swollen?" I question, stepping closer to him in hopes that he'll ask me to check it or press on it or something.

"No, I'm fine. Trust me I've had a lot worse then a little swelling on my back." He tells me, wincing as it slips out. What does he mean by that?

"What do you mean?" I ask, voicing my thoughts. Then, he looks away, pressing his hand to the earpiece as he listens to whoever is talking. I want to ask him again and I take a breath to do so, but he senses this and holds a hand up. I groan internally and listen as he inserts words into his conversation every now and then like "yeah" and "sure". Finally, he says, "Yeah, she's fine. Okay, thanks Will."

He turns to me then, scanning my body for a moment before nodding.

"Looks like we're good to go. Will has a plan and all we need to grab are our weapons, so follow me." He then proceeds to stalk past me and enter the bedroom, and for a moment I just stare at him.

Everything he does, not talking much, using girls, shutting down on you, and occasionally letting something slip; it all screams secret,and I'm gonna find out what it is.

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