Chapter Sixty-Four

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"I was a secret?" I breath, my mouth agape. "Why on earth was I a secret?"

"She explained it to me later on," he begins. "Apparently, within the year between you and Caleb's births, they put away a few very, very bad people who had a lot of supporters." He sits up a little straighter and takes a deep breath. "They even changed their last name so the people who they were after couldn't just find you on a school roster." He shakes his head and my eyes grow wide.

"What?" I still cannot believe it, any of it. What should my last name be? "What was their last name?" I lay down as I process all of it and somehow end up with my head on his lap before he answers.

"Wright, with a 'w'. They kept that name at work, but switched to Prior in public. They had to go through a lot of loopholes, but they made it look like the 'Wright's were never even real outside of the FBI. It was genius, the way they did it."

"Wow." I whisper, leaning back against the couch, my mind racing. "You said you were there that night that she left us?" I repeat him, trying to get the story straight in my head. "And that you went to Mexico?" He nods. "What happened in Mexico?"

"Well, she let me rest and heal for about a week, before asking me what I wanted to do. I told her I wanted to be in the FBI and that I wanted to be the one to put my father away, for good." I nod my head; he takes another breath and closes his eyes before resuming. "She said okay, and we started training that day. After another three weeks, she told me she needed to go home, pretty much dropped me off at the training program in LA, and left. We talked on the phone most days and I became the youngest ever agent. I actually finished my training faster than anyone else too. That's where my nickname comes from, because I finished training in four weeks." He glances at me, a smirk spreading on his face. "Then you came along." I laugh at him and bury my head in his chest, loving the deep sound he emits as he chuckles along with me.

"My training doesn't even count. I didn't do the mental training."

"You didn't?" He questions, confusion in his voice. I run a hand through my hair, collecting my thoughts as I untangle the rampant strands.

"No, they said I didn't need to. I'd seen my own parents murdered in front of my eyes, and I didn't even cry." I whisper the last part and close in on myself even more. I feel ashamed, and I feel like they would be ashamed.

I don't even feel like I've grieved them. They were the people that I lived with for eighteen have I not broken yet?

"Hey, hey." Tobias murmurs, his hands copying my movements and running through my hair. "I know what you're thinking. You're strong Tris. It's not a sin to be strong. It's not a sin to act different than what most teenage girls would be doing in this situation." He taps my chin and I look up at him. "Being strong- it's in your DNA, Tris. It's just one of the things I love about you." I press my lips to his, allowing myself to forget my thoughts as I run a hand through his hair before pulling away, an impish grin on my face.

"Just one of the things you love about me?" I chuckle as he blushes, the pink staining not just his cheeks, but his ears also. "What are the others?"

"Well, um, one is your personality. You sarcastic as hell, which is awesome." I chuckle with him and stare up at his handsome face as he continues. "Number two would be your strength and your bravery and your selflessness. I don't think I've ever known someone as strong, or brave, or generous as you are." My beam settles a little as he gets more serious, and I can't help but be entrapped in his intense gaze. "And last, but most certainly not least," he starts a finger running down my arm and giving me goosebumps. "would definitely have to be your body." I suck in a breath as he plucks me up off his lap and swiftly climbs on top of me, my body placed between his legs. My breathing speeds up as he leans down to whisper something in my ear. "You're the most sexy, most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life." He kisses my neck, but before he gets too far, I drag him up to my lips.

Our kiss is is the most passionate thing in the whole world that moment and we are the most passionate people. The feeling of us, is the most prominent thing in both our worlds.

In movies and books and on tv shows, they try to portray this craze created by the love between two people, but now, as I experience it, I know they will never get it correct. It is unlike anything I have ever felt, anything I ever will feel.

And, I know as he carries me to his bedroom is that this- this is the right thing. He is the right person. And while I know that what happens next is most definitely not perfect, it's close enough.


When I wake up, it takes me a minute to realize that it wasn't a dream. That last night was real, and I really got over one of the only things that scared me. I didn't feel ashamed nor awkward nor unloved during any part of it...There may have been a bra malfunction, and we might have ran into the doorway as we walked to his room, but it couldn't have been more perfect.

As I roll over though, I suddenly realize that I'm alone. Then, I smell the bacon, and it takes me about two seconds to slip on one of his shirts and some underwear. I tip toe down the hallway to the kitchen to come face to face with a cooking Tobias. It takes all my strength not to laugh.

Although he's not facing me, I can clearly see the white apron he's wearing as he stirs or flips whatever is on the stove. I can also hear a slight hum coming from him, I can't pin point the song though.

Instead of announcing my presence, I stalk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, pressing the side of my face to the middle of his back. I close my eyes and breath him in.

"Hey!" He exclaims, unlatching my arms so he can turn around to kiss me. I refuse to let go of him as he pulls away and he laughs at my antics. "What are you doing?" He asks as he attempts to turn to mess with the stuff on the stove.

"Hugging you." I reply, my voice muffled because my face is still pressed to his body. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Yes," he manages to confirm though his chuckles. "But, if you don't want a burnt omelet and bacon, I'd let go of me."

"Ugh, fine." I release him and he kisses my nose when I reject his kiss. He's still laughing as he flips our food. I step back and hop up on the counter, the cool granite giving me goosebumps. I watch him as he puts the food on plates a couple seconds later, and as he hands me my own he says, "Hey, if anyone comes over, you have the flu."


Author's Note:

Hey guys! So, I know that what happened in this chapter may not be something everyone agrees with, and trust me when I say I understand, but with the way this story is about to progress, it may very well be important to the plot line. I tried to keep it as PG to PG-13 as possible (I have absolutely no clue how all that stuff happens in real life...) and I hope you all know I'm not trying to offend anyone or anything.

Well...I guess that's it!

...Actually one more thing-

I HAVE 59k VIEWS!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN STICKING WITH ME THROUGH ALL OF THIS!!!! You guys are the ones that make all this worth it, and I love all of you!


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