Chapter Fifty-One

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Tris' POV

"Tris, what's going on?" Four breaks the silence with his simple question, the only thing is, I don't have an answer.

"Four, I don't know."

"There's nothing that's happened to you lately that could be causing this?" He questions, a silent suspicion in his tone.

"If you're wounding if I'm taking drugs or steroids, I can tell you I'm not. I know that stuff like that is bad for you, and I'm not pumping my body with it."

"Okay, but seriously is there anything? This may not be drugs or steroids but have you been going anywhere or doing things that could expose you to-"

"Four!" I silence him with my yell. If I've been doing something I shouldn't be, I would have told him. "I'm not doing anything like that! You don't know me well enough to even accuse me of something like that!" His eyes soften, but he's still got that look in his eye, like he thinks I'm hiding something.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but-"

"No buts! Just leave, seriously. I don't need this right now and you probably make Marlene nervous, and I still need to get her some dinner or something, so just go." He reaches towards me but I stand up from the bed. "Go." It's silent for several moments and I just glare at the floor, scared that if I look at him, I'll change my mind.

He eventually stands up and brushes past me. Seconds later, the front door slams.

"Tris?" I hear suddenly. Marlene.

"Yeah?" I answer, stepping out into the hallway. Her door is cracked open a little, but she opens it all the way when she sees me.

"I'm sorry...I heard yelling, and when I was with Eric...yelling meant a lot worse than just a slammed door." She rubs her arms up and down and a shiver visibly runs over her body.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I should have kicked him out when we got here." I answer, smiling at her. "Are you hungry? I realized a couple minutes ago that neither of us have eaten all day and I think I'm going to make some spaghetti or something if you want some?" I raise my eyebrows at her and she nods eagerly.

"Yeah, that sounds great." I beckon to her and we walkout to the kitchen. After I get the water on the stove I turn and see her staring at the closed blinds.

"Do you want me to open them? You wouldn't believe the view."

"Yeah, I was looking for a control panel or something, but I couldn't find it."

"Sorry about that," I apologize as I pull the remote out of one of the kitchen drawers. "I'm OCD about things on my counter, so I keep most of my stuff in drawers." I hand her the remote and she finds the correct button before pressing it. The blinds draw up slowly, and her anticipation is obvious as she bounces on her toes. I can hear her gasp when she can finally see.

The city lights twinkle happily- like the stars that we cannot see from here probably do- and car tail lights create red streaks across the black streets. She steps forward and touches the glass, as though she can feel the energy of the city coursing through the transparent material.

"It's beautiful." She sighs, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I think that's the first smile I've seen on you." I comment, a grin spread across my own face. When I say this though, hers drops. "It's okay to smile, you know."

"But it's hard to." I turn away from her stare at that comment and go to check on the water. It's boiling so I put the noodles in and check the time.


"Hey Marlene, there's a guy coming over in about 5 minutes." I begin explaining. "His name's Uriah, and if you want him to, he can log into the government files and delete you and Eric's marriage contract. It'll make it so that your marriage never really existed, at least not on record."

"Really? You guys can do that?" She inquires, her eyes light.

"Yes, the only problem is that this isn't a divorce, so your assets aren't split. Meaning, we cannot mess with any joint bank accounts that you guys created; therefore, unless you have your own bank account, under your name, all the money would still go to him." Her shoulders sag at this, but she still nods after some time.

"He only let me work the first year of our marriage, and all the money then went to our account, but I still have maybe 10,000 dollars in my own account. That should be enough until I'm back on my own two feet."

"Okay, great... Well, he's got a key, so he'll probably just walk in while we are eating."


I glide back over to the stove and find that our dinner's finished, so I grab the strainer and dump all the excess water down the drain.

"Marinara or Alfredo?" I ask her, grabbing both jars out of my fridge.

"Um, Alfredo." I beam.

"I like Alfredo too." I slip the Marinara jar back into its spot before closing the door and grabbing two bowls. I put it all down on the counter and nod towards it. "You can serve yourself, but I'm dying of heat and really need to change so I'll be right back." She nods and I jog to my room, opening the closet to grab a pair of spanks and one of Caleb's shirts. I change quickly and throw my dirty clothes in the hamper before heading into the bathroom to throw my hair up in a high ponytail. Then, I head back out to the kitchen.

When I get there, I do a little double-take. Uriah is sitting across from Marlene at the dining table and she's looking down at her spaghetti.

"Uriah!" I exclaim. "You're here!"

"Uh, yeah." He replies, scratching his neck guiltily. "I was just telling Marlene the plan."

"Mmhm, well are you gonna eat with us?" He flashes me his award winning smile, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"If you don't mind."

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