Chapter Nineteen

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"What?" I choke, expecting him to take it back. I know how serious my concussion was, so how has it already healed?

"I don't have an explanation for you if that's what you want," Dr.Alred states, smiling at me in understanding. "But you have just been very, very lucky."

After a couple minutes of explaining what I can and still cannot do, Dr.Alred leaves telling us that we're free to go and that he'll see me in a couple weeks. He only agreed to that after Four promised that he wouldn't allow me to have any violent, physical contact with anyone for the next week. So, I change back into my clothes and literally skip out of the hospital. Four chuckles at my giddiness and I shoot him a friendly glare. I don't even care how stupid I look. I'm free!

We hop in the car and Four turns to look at me, his gaze steady and unwavering. At least we aren't being awkward after what just happened.

"So what do you want to do first now that you're cleared?" He questions, turning the key in ignition and pulling up to the exit. I beam at him.

"I wanna go workout." I reply, honestly. The past two and a half or three weeks have kinda sucked since I had gotten used to the rigorous workouts. My body seems to literally be craving the wonderful exhaustion that follows a hard workout.

I get a strange look from Four but within the hour, we're at the office. Once out of the car and in the elevator, I feel this insane tension between Four and I. We were so close earlier, and it didn't matter that it might hurt my partnership with him, all that mattered was us. And I want it back.

What the hell? I think to myself.

I step forward and hit the stop button on the elevator before turning to look at Four. His curious gaze lands on me, but before he can say one word, my lips are on his. For a moment, I'm the only one doing the kissing and for that one moment, I'm worried I misread him, then all of a sudden he places his hands on my hips and kisses me back with the intensity that I have felt since the second I met him. He pushes me backwards into the elevator door, grabbing my hands and bringing them up above my head before nuzzling my neck and making me arch my back. Butterflies explode within me, not because I'm nervous, but because he makes me feel like the most important thing in the world by just kissing me. He drags his lips back up my neck before placing a tentative kiss on my lips. My hands are released and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"God, I've wanted to do that for forever." He mumbles, our foreheads pressed together.

"Likewise." I respond, before leaning in and kissing him again.


Eventually, we part and continue on our elevator ride, but it's not without the fleeting glances and coy smiles. We get to our floor and step out of the doors, and I just take the whole atmosphere in. It's buzzing with life and conversations just as it was on my first day. Four manages to pull me away from it all and when we walk into the technology room to say hi to everyone, I can't help but notice the smirks planted on everyone's faces.

"Hi guys!" I greet, dismissing their behavior. "I'm back!"

"Oh, we know." Uriah scoffs and ignoring Zeke who throws a chip at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask as Four goes, "Shit."

He points to a screen to my left and lo and behold, I'm looking at the interior of the elevator. The same elevator that we were making out in.

I feel my face begin to heat up, then I realize that I honestly have nothing to be embarrassed about. If Four and I continue whatever we're doing then they'll probably be seeing it anyway.

"You're just sad that you don't get any action, Uriah." I state triumphantly. Zeke snorts before being consumed by a flood of laughs and stumbling over to high five me. Christina approaches me then and I let her hug me and whisper in my ear about how she wants 'all the dirty little details'. Uriah, while unhappy about my true comment, comes over and pulls me into a bone crushing hug, stating that it's payback. And finally, Will comes over to congratulate me and wrap his arm around my shoulder in a friendly manner.

"So what are you going to do now super girl?" I sigh before explaining my plan to go work out.

Within a couple minutes, I'm down in the locker room changing into Nike apparel and walking into the training room.

Four beat me in here and is in the middle of the hand-to-hand combat mat, stretching with his back to me. Instead of announcing my presence, I sneak up behind him and jump up on his muscled back. He starts but relaxes when I place a kiss on his neck. I get down and he pulls me in front of him, leaning down to kiss me. I stand on my toes and meet him halfway. We kiss for a couple minutes, his hand playing with my ponytail while the other rests on my waist.

That's when I'm hit with how serious we're already getting.

I shouldn't be doing this, not with the job or the situation I have. At any moment, I could be transferred, or he could. And any mission could end up with one of us dead, not to mention the fact that Jeanine Mathews has probably already placed a bounty on my head. Come any, come all and terminate the last surviving member of the Prior family!

I might even be putting Four in a bad spot. Anyone close to me could be used as a weapon.


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