Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Four's POV

"So, are you going to be giving me blood today?" Tris asks me, I can hear her moving but I remain focused on what I'm doing right now, which is getting everything ready for a blood transfusion. She's lost so much blood, I honestly have no idea how she's awake.

"Mmhm." I reply, going to the closet so I can grab an IV hanger. I hang the bag of blood on it before attaching it to the blood warmer, when I turn around I can see her looking at me curiously. She's about to ask a question.

"What is that?" She inquires, her eyebrows furrowing as she looks at the blood warmer. "And how do you know how to do all of this stuff?" My heart skips a beat when she asks me that question. She can't know yet, I don't trust her yet.

"It's a blood warmer, and you don't need to know."

"Why not?"

"You just don't need to."

"Okay, Four. I don't care if I need to know it or not, I want to know it. So, how do you know?" Oh my God, she's just like her mom.


I sprint on the dark, abandoned streets going to the only place I know that'll keep me safe. My breath is visible and I can feel goosebumps all over my body, but I can't stop. Every time I pass through the orange glow of a streetlight I can feel my heart beat faster, I can't let him find me. I won't. The fresh and stinging whip marks on my back fuel me on. He won't find me.

I run for another mile or so before my destination finally comes into view. The Prior's house. I jog through their lawn and hop the fence into their backyard, and that's when I stop to catch a breath.

When I recover enough, I jog to the back door and grab the key off the top of the doorframe. I twist it in the lock quietly and walk through the door. I step into the familiar living room and turn on the lights, Natalie's sitting on the couch just like she said she would be, a pile of clothes, an ID, and a passport next to her. A fake ID, a fake passport.

She looks up at me, startled. She probably thought I wasn't coming. Then, she takes in my appearance.

"Oh, God!" She exclaims, immediately choking back a sob once she takes in my bloody and battered body. I know for a fact that I have to have a black eye, and the blood in my mouth points to a bloody nose or a busted lip, I probably have both. "What the hell happened?" She asks me, rising from the couch and walking over to me. She's shorter than me, by about six inches, so she has to reach up to inspect my face. Her hands tremble and tears well in her blue eyes.

"He caught me sneaking out the first time." I reply. Originally, I was supposed to sneak out by eight and get to the Prior's house by nine, but he caught me. Marcus caught me. Then he beat me, with his hands, with his belt, with his feet. Just thinking about it makes me think about my aching ribs again. I push her away for a moment and she watches me as I lift my shirt over my head, causing everything to scream in protest.  My ribs are a deep purple with red splotches surrounding the dark areas, and I'm pretty sure you can see where one of them is broken.

Natalie can't contain her sob this time, it racks her whole body. One of her hands fly up to her face to wipe the tears and the other presses lightly on my shoulder. She wants me to turn around. "Natalie," I start, I want to prepare her for this, or else she's going to flip. "It was so much worse this time, just be pre-"

"Tobias, just turn around." I look at her with an apology in my eyes before doing what she wants me too. I hear her as her sobs come loose, and every one breaks my heart a little more. "How could he do this to you?" She asks me, her eyes no doubt tracing over the bleeding sores that crisscross across my back as thread does on a blanket. She presses on my shoulder again gently and I turn back towards her. "We're leaving in a week. You can't go to the airport like that, but you aren't going back to your father's house. We'll go stay in a hotel, okay? Now, um, grab tho-" Suddenly, I see feet descending the stairwell behind her and I press my finger to her lips before pointing and running to hide behind a wall. I peek out from behind it and watch as a girl about my age appear.

"Mom?" Why is she calling her mom? Natalie said she was her niece. "What are you doing? Why are you up so late?" She's gorgeous. I know exactly who she is, Natalie has told me about her and shown me pictures, but neither do justice for how beautiful she really is. Her blonde hair must fall to her waist, and she's fit, not muscled enough to be anywhere near unattractive though. She approaches Natalie with a cautious look in her eyes before asking another question. "Why were you crying? And who were you talking to?"

"Oh, Tris, honey. I was just on the phone with a friend. He's been in a car wreck."

"Who was the man's voice though?" She interrogates, craning her neck to look around, I duck further behind the wall and lose sight of them.

"The phone was on speaker, I'm sorry I woke you up honey, just go back to bed, I'm about to go too." There's a pause.

"Okay, um I'll see you in the morning?" I look back at them again, Tris is looking questioningly at Natalie.

"I don't think so, baby. I'm going to head out early in the morning to see that friend of mine, but I'll be back soon, okay?" Natalie responds. Tris looks taken aback but hugs Natalie all the same.

"Do I know this friend of yours?" She whispers in Natalie's ear as they hug.

"He's no one that you know."

"Oh, well okay. I'll see you soon." Tris tells her as she pulls away, Natalie kisses her cheek and Tris starts walking back towards the stairs.

"Good night." Natalie calls.

"'Night." Tris says, waving a hand over her shoulder. When she's gone, I look at Natalie.

"Why was she calling you 'mom'? You said she was your niece." Natalie shifts a little.

"I can explain that later, but we need to leave, this will be one of the first places your father looks for you. I can feel it."

*end of flashback*

"Just drop it, Tris!" I snap at her, she'll eventually find out, just not today. She is so different than she was two years ago. I didn't even recognize her when she came to LA.

"Fine." She sneers at me, her blue eyes throwing daggers at me. That's when I start laughing, because it's all so insane. Everything that's happened since I was seventeen, I'm only nineteen now and so much has changed. "What now?" She asks me, her voice conveying that she's fed up with me. As she should be.

"Nothing, I'm just sorry. God, I'm sorry." I tell her, for so many reasons. Reasons I can't even explain.

"Does that mean you're gonna tell me?" Tris looks at me hopefully, her eyes getting bigger and a little more pleading as she looks down at me. She even sticks her lower lip out in a pout. Is it bad that I find it extremely sexy?

I smile down at my lap before looking back up at her.

"Maybe someday."

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