Chapter Forty-One

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"You ready?" Four asks. I turn my head up to see him looking down on me before flashing a smile and responding,

"Are you?"

He chuckles at my response and laces our fingers together, dragging me back to the car. When we're both in, he shifts it into gear and pulls out of the parking lot.

After a couple minutes, I realize that we're headed back to our building.

"Are we going back?" I question, disappointment laced in my voice. I don't want to go back... Surprisingly, I've been having fun.

"Yes, but not to your place, to mine."

With those few words, my heart rate picks up... He doesn't think I'm going to have sex with him, right? Because in case he hadn't noticed, I wasn't like that. At all.

No, he wouldn't do that... Just wait and see what he has up his sleeve.

I nod at myself, agreeing with my own advice, before staring back out the window at the passing street lights.

He slows suddenly and we pull into the parking lot of a supermarket. I peek at him out of the corner of my eyes and see him grin to himself, as though he knows my eyes are trained on his chiseled face.

"What are we doing here?" I ask him, unbuckling my seat belt anyways. He parks and looks at me, the contrasting blues of his eyes dancing in the moonlight.

"We're picking up ingredients."


We don't waste much time in the store, just making sure to grab some cocoa and stuff for a glaze that Four says is amazing. As we walk out of the store, he pulls me to his side and we walk lazily towards the car, a bag in my left hand and another in his right.

"So," I start, as Four opens my car door. "I'm quite positive that we're making a cake, but can I ask why?" He raises his eyebrows before closing my door and jogging over to his side. He gets in and starts the car before answering.

"Well, a couple years ago, Will, Uriah, Zeke and I became determined to recreate the cake from the Dauntless Club. I'm not sure if we've told you about it yet, but that club has the best chocolate cake you'll ever taste in your life." He throws a smile at me before focusing back on the road. I scrunched my eyebrows and thought for a moment but couldn't remember if they had told me about it or not. Four realizing this nodded a little and continued. "Anyways, after about three unsuccessful tries we just decided that we'd ask for the recipe, which should have been the first thing we did. We went and asked the owner for the recipe and he wouldn't give it to us, so Uriah had the idea to break in, and we all agreed. Zeke and Will could turn off the alarms and the cameras from the office and we could get in and out, no problem." He begins chuckling as he starts again, taking a break between laughs to inhale. "So we got there, we got in, and found out that the owner not only slept at the club but also kept his pistol at his side while sleeping. He ended up shooting up the entire place, but we made it out with the recipe and alive. Later that day we went back in uniform to tell him that we'd keep the whole block under surveillance for the next couple months and he thanked us and went on his way. He didn't even notice the recipe was missing."

" guys are definitely winning FBI agents of the year." I tell him, a smirk on my face. He scoffs.

"Yeah, it's in the bag. But that's what we're doing, we're making the cake."

"Alright." I respond as he parks in the apartment parking lot. "But I've got to change first. These heels are killing me."


I slip the dress over my head carefully, trying not to get makeup on it. Then I open my dresser and grab one of the few shirts in the drawer- Caleb's oversized black t-shirts. I need to go shopping.

I slip the t-shirt over my head and feel it brush my mid-thigh. Deciding that my dress was already that short, I just throw on some spanks and walk back out to my living room, where Four waits on the couch expectantly.

"Hey." I say, announcing my presence. He looks up from his phone and I can almost feel his eyes dragging themselves over my legs, leaving goosebumps in their wake. They darken considerably when they get to my face, but then he blinks and coughs, and he's back to normal.

"You good?" He asks. I smile as he rises and nod before making my way towards the door.

"Yup, let's go get our bake on."


We walk back down the stairs to his apartment and when I walk in I slip off my flip-flops before turning to Four.

"I'm gonna go throw on some different clothes but if you want you can get something to drink out of the fridge." He disappears down the hallway to the his room and I take his suggestion and fill a glass with water. I sip idly on the cool liquid and glance down at a page on the counter next to the grocery bags that he dropped off on the way up to my apartment. It's the recipe, written very neatly, with the ingredients contained in their own little box, and another just below it explaining the procedure step by step. I trail my finger down the page, trying to identify what might make this cake so amazing, but I come up with nothing. It's just a cake recipe.

"Looking over it?" I hear Four ask. I look up just in time to see him pull his shirt over his head, displaying both his abs and his biceps. I swallow.

"Yeah, something like that."

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