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Tris' POV

"Mommy?" I hear the precious voice of my daughter behind me. I turn around immediately to see her in her yellow duck towel. The hood hangs over the edge of her head, replacing her face with big black eyes and an orange beak.

"Yes, my little duck?" I say, turning off the kitchen faucet and hoisting her up on my hip, not that she weighs much. Her little three year old body is still only 30 pounds. Tobias says she takes after me.

"Can you— can you come help me put on my pjs?" She flashes me a wide grin and I chuckle at her as we start ascending the stairs.

"Of course. Where'd daddy go?" I ask, normally he handles the nightly routine.

"I think he's in mine room."

"Oh, okay."

When we walk in the room, I laugh at my husband. Tobias lays face down on her queen sized bed, his long legs hanging over the child-barriers. The lamp by the bed is the only light in her pale blue room, but it's enough for me to see the duck-covered pajamas that he put on the dresser for her.

The girl is obsessed with ducks, as made obvious by the giant duck in the middle of her comforter, the duck covered sheets, and her collection of duck stuffed animals.

"So this is where daddy went." I chuckle, putting my baby girl down.

"Mmhmm." He mumbles, sitting up suddenly. "There's my two favorite girls." He exclaims, rather tiredly. "Lily, come here and I'll dry your hair."

"Okay, dada." She squeals, running over to him and screaming slightly when he hoists her up over the barrier.

Tobias dries her hair carefully, making sure not to tug too hard. He's such an amazing father, and I can't wait to see his reaction tomorrow when I tell him I'm pregnant again.

"Mama?" Lily whispers.

"Yes?" I reply quietly, winking at Tobias as he watches me.

"Can you bring my pjs?" I nod at her and take a couple strides to get to them. I lift my leg over the barrier and join them on the mattress. Lily lifts her arms over her head and I slip her shirt on before throwing her pant to Tobias. He slips them on quickly and easily, allowing Lily to finally lay down in between us. Her tired little eyes seem to fight the effects of exhaustion, but after a few minutes, she's snoring quietly.

I look over to see Tobias staring at me, a small smile playing on his lips.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. Everything's perfect." He whispers, leaning over Lily to kiss me. He then gets up, and helps me out as well. I turn off the lamp before exiting the cheery room and closing the door behind me. Tobias waits in our doorway for me, that same grin plastered on his lips.

"What?! Why are you looking at me like that?" Instead of answering me, he grabs my hips and pulls me flush against his body before kissing me passionately.

"I love you." He whispers, picking me up as he walks towards our bathroom.

"I love you too." I purr, snaking my hands underneath his shirt. He growls in the back of his throat as I trace his scars and I hop down once we're in our bathroom. He yanks my tank top over my head and does the same for himself as he turns the shower on. When he looks at me again, his eyes are hooded and I smirk a little at him.

"Like what you see?"

He doesn't answer, but by the way he kisses me, I'm pretty sure I know the answer.


The next day is a Saturday, our date night, so when I go to drop Lily off at Zeke and Shauna's with an overnight bag, Tobias doesn't think anything of it. Once I get home, I throw on a white sundress and prepare to head to the spot that he first took me to on the beach. We make our way through the city and get some food from Il Posto Migliore in Città before finally getting to our spot at around 7, just in time for the sun to sink below the ocean waters.

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