Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Four's POV

I knock on Tris' door quietly, checking my watch to see that I'm early. I couldn't help myself though, all I want is to be with her every second of every day, so I can soak up as much of her as I can. Now that I've found her, she's my lifeline, and I wouldn't be able to survive without her.

I stand, bouncing on my toes in anticipation as I wait for the door to open. After a several minutes, I decide just to walk in, knowing that she won't mind, especially if the door is unlocked. I twist the handle and attempt to push the door open quietly, cringing at it's loud creak. I step through the doorway, then, I see her.

Her back is to me, but only for a moment, and I can see the tan skin on her torso peeking through the cuts of her blood red dress. Her hair hangs in heavy waves, covering most of her back and begging me to brush it aside and nuzzle her neck. The heels on her feet make her taller, and the red makes her skin glow, put both factors together and somehow they make her seem more...seductive. I'll be the first one to say that the way she is normally is just as sexy, but there's something about seeing my girl dressed up for me that makes my heart race and my mind wander to the events of last night.

She turns suddenly and a smile overtakes her face, making my jaw drop slightly. She stands before her window, and the orange light makes her luminescent. The halo of hair surrounding her face catches the light just right, causing her blonde strands to appear ablaze. Her soft, luscious, tan skin shimmers with her movements, and last, but not least, her blue flame eyes pop out in the warm colors, adding a little bit of life to the inferno.

All I can do is stare, even as she approaches me. Her long strides have a cat-like grace, and I watch as her long legs carry her perfect body closer to me.

"Hey," she greets, her voice flowing like molten lava.

"Hey," I croak, my arms pulling her to my body once she's close enough. I dip her back slightly, and kiss away the gasp on her lips. She laughs into me, her small hands clutching to my biceps as she trusts me to hold her up. We break apart all too soon in my opinion and she smiles.

"That was unexpected." I pull her up quickly, holding her close to my chest until she has her balance back. "So was that." She chuckles, and I join in, her tinkling laughter forcing me to do so.

"You ready?" I ask her, my hand running down her arm to grip her calloused, scarred, perfect hands.

"I think so." She comments, looking around the room as though trying to find something that she's missing. Her face lights up when she comes up with one. "Wait, I'm not going to need my phone, right? Or a gun?" Her eyebrows furrow. "Am I supposed to carry a gun around when I'm not on duty?"

"No, no, and if you want to, you can, but I can assure you we won't need any tonight." I tell her as I pull on her arm. "You should be all set, so let's go." I glance again at her grinning face before we both exit her apartment.


Tris' POV

When we get in the car, Four insists that I put a blindfold on. For a few moments, I refuse but eventually he wins and the blindfold goes on. We drive for a while, him silent and me singing along to the radio quietly. Then, we stop.

I reach my hands up to the blindfold glad to finally be able to take it off, but Four grabs my hands at the last second.

"No, not yet. Just stay in the car, I'll be right back." His car door opens and closes before I can even respond and I lay my head back against the seat. I don't even realize what's happening as I'm pulled into oblivion.


When I wake up, the blindfold is no longer on my face, and I'm no longer in the car. I'm lying down on a blanket, and the sound of crashing waves and seagulls surrounds me. I stretch out one hand, feeling for the edge of the blanket. Instead, I find sand.

The top layer is cold, but as I sift it through my fingers, I can feel the warmth the under later obtained from the sun. It's like it's alive, saving it's collected heat.

"Just in time." I hear from behind me. My insides tingle as they realize who it is and I roll over to face him. Immediately, I sit up.

Tobias sits on the far end of the woven blanket, his legs spread out before him and his eyes trained on me. A picnic basket sits on the other side of him.

"For what?" I question, a slow smile spreading across my face.

"Whatever you want." He replies, and my brows shoot up. "We can eat, we can walk, we can do anything you want." He looks out over the ocean, and his steel blue eyes soften. I crawl over to him after taking off my heels and sit on his lap. He wraps his strong arms around my waist before setting his head on my shoulder.

"I love you." His light breath spreads across my shoulder, giving me goosebumps.

"I love you too." I turn halfway and wrap an arm around his neck. I run my fingers through the long hair at the back of his head. He'll need to cut it soon. "Thanks for bringing me here, I've never seen the ocean, in person at least."

His head rears back and he looks at me, disbelief evident in his eyes. "You've never been to the beach?" I shake my head and look out at the water again. "Well, I'm just gonna have to bring you back so you can swim in it."

"I'd like that a lot." I whisper before I get an ingenious idea. "But why wait?" He furrows his eyebrows and I stand up. I go running down to the water, unzipping the dress on the side as I go.

"Tris!" Tobias yells, his laughter following it. I rip the dress over my head just before I reach the waves and throw it to the ground. I turn around to face Tobias, who's already lost his shirt.

"Hurry up slowpoke!" I shout, practically tripping over my feet as I jog backwards in the dense sand. He catches up quickly, even as he struggles to take off his jeans. Once he gets to me, he wraps his arms around my torso and picks me up. His tan skin is warm against my own in the setting sun and I kiss him as our feet stumble into the cool waves. "What took you so long?" I question jokingly, breathless.

Then, we fall together into the grey ocean water.

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