Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Looks like they're going to Mexico City."

We sit in silence for a moment, then everything erupts.

"Tris you and Four need to get ready to head on down, I'll get you guys a jet to head down there."

"What!? Uriah and I can go!" Zeke complains, throwing his hands in the air like a toddler.

"Yeah! We could do it! Why send them? Tris hasn't even been released by the doctor yet!" Uriah screeches while pointing at me accusingly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. This isn't about me-" I reply.

"Yeah, she hasn't even been out in the field yet. Give her a chance." Four says.

"Everybody shut up!" Will yells over everyone. "Look, Chris is in danger, and you know what? She is my girlfriend, and I'll say who goes after her." He scans all of us, his eyes hard and determined. "Tris, Four. Go get packed, your flight is leaving in..." He types something on the computer before turning back towards us. "Two hours."

It's silent for a moment, then, Uriah's computer beeps.

"Vocal recognition found." A mechanical voice announces, then an image pops up on the screen. Will rolls over to the interactive table in his chair and presses a couple buttons on the side; a hologram image of the person pops up.

"Information, please." Will states.

"Miguel Caro."

"Son of a bitch." Will whispers.

"42 year old male. Born in 1972 in Leon, Mexico. He is a one of the major distributors of
Methamphetamine and Cannabis or Marijuana in both Mexico and the U.S. In 2010, the FBI arrested him in Los Angeles and he was taken to a maximum security prison until his trial. The arrest was made by Christina Holland, Zeke Pedrad, Uriah Pedrad, Will Johnson, Lauren Alexander, and Eric Williams. Before the trial began, he escaped and took refuge in Mexico, where he has yet to be found."


An hour and a half later, Zeke is picking up both Four and I from our apartments. We had to go pack and now, we're headed to the airport where the private is waiting for us.

"You ready?" Zeke asks as I throw my bag in the trunk.

"Of course." I tell him as I slip between him and Four. "Shotgun."

"Shit." Four breathes. Zeke laughs at us before closing the trunk door and getting in the front seat. I slip into the passenger seat and shoot Four a mocking grin as he squeezes in the back.

The drive isn't too long, but traffic is horrific, so what should have takes about fifteen minutes, took thirty which got us there at 6:07, which means we're about 7 minutes late. We go down one of the service roads and flash our badges to the security officer guard the gate in. He lets us go immediately and we pull up to a private hanger where the jet is already fueled up and running.

Zeke stops the car and I hop out, running to the back to haul my suitcase out. The sound of the jet is deafening and the wind is blowing my hair in every direction, but I get my suitcase with little trouble. I turn around and walk up to Zeke who's watching as Four grabs his suitcase.

"Be careful!" He yells over the jet. "And don't die, 'Kay? I actually like you and I don't want another 'Peter' problem!"

I smile and nod at him, before surprising both of us and giving him a hug. I'm probably a foot or two shorter than him, as I was with Caleb, so it feels like I'm hugging my brother, and for that reason, I hold on as long as socially acceptable.

"Bye, Zeke." I say with a small wave before jogging over to where a man in a headset was gesturing towards me.

"Go ahead and hop on!" He yells, grabbing my suit case out of my grands and throwing it to a guy already in the plane, probably the pilot. I begin climbing up the metal staircase into the small jet, just before ducking into the doorway, I glance back to see Four and Zeke taking, Zeke gesturing madly in the air and pointing at me. Four nods when he finishes talking and comments about something, then, they bro-hug and Four walks towards the plane. When his eyes finally meet mine, I get on the jet.


The flight to Mexico City airport, is nothing short of atrocious. I for one, hate flying and it didn't help that there was turbulence the whole flight. Plus, Four and I sat on opposite sides of the plane, me in the front, him in the back. When I went to the back to go to the rest room we made some really weird eye contact, but it was even worse when I came out. I was walking back past him when there just happened to be one of the worst air pockets of the whole trip and I ended up falling sideways and to keep myself from face planting I put my hand on Four's thigh, and he then put his hand on my waist, which made me recall the one day that we had together and I got butterflies all over again.

Anyways, we're now in a black sedan that Will got us somehow, and Four is driving us to our hotel. Will said that Chris hasn't yet stopped moving, so when she does we'll at least be rested to go get her. Then he worriedly explained in my earpiece that she might be sedated.

"Tris, when they landed the plane, her heart rate slowed, so they must have drugged her. I have no idea what kind of condition she'll be in...God, I hope she's okay."

"We'll get her back Will. Just get someone to take over for now and try to get some rest, okay?"

He told me goodbye and went to do what I said, but he got my mind going... What if we can't save her?

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