Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Jeanine talks to me for what seems like hours. Her voice is monotonous as she drones on about how I'll be put through a series of tests, or 'tortures' as she so colorfully called them. Immediately after, I'll be restrained back on this table while they inject me with different chemicals, for what, I don't know.

My brain begs to ask questions, but my tongue feels as though it weighs a ton and all that comes out are scared groans. Why is she doing this to me?

"Tortures start tomorrow dear." She sneers, a wicked grin on her face. "I'd try to get some rest if I were you. Take her to her room!" She yells into the mirror that I assume is a one way window. Her heels click as she exits the room and I hear two others enter.

"Hello Tris." I hear, and my eyes close briefly. Peter. "I have to say, I'm awfully excited for tomorrow." I hear the metal restraints on all of my body parts open, and I attempt to sit up quickly, hoping to fight him off, but a dizzy spell takes over me and I fall to the floor on all fours. "Weak bitch." He whispers, bitingly. He kicks my ribs and I fall sideways from the blow, groaning.

"Peter!" Jeanine snaps. "We need her as healthy as possible for the tortures, stop it. Now."

"But-" he starts.

"No 'buts'!" She shrieks, her voice sending another wave of agony through my brain. "You know you get to inject her, isn't that good enough? It sure has been for the past couple months."

The past couple months? What does she mean?

"Yes, it has been." Peter grits out. "But I'm getting impatient. I haven't even gotten my money yet."

"And I'm supposed to pay you before you do what I'm paying you for? I think not." Jeanine sighs, and I can see her run a hand down her face through a veil of blonde hair. "Just get the test subject to her room." Peter grunts in response and I feel him tangle his fingers in my hair.

"Fine." He spits out as he drags me off the ground slowly by my hair. I moan. "Shut up." He releases my long locks and grips my arm, hard. I feel someone else grab my other one, and I glance over. My heart drops into my stomach.

"Al?" I whisper, my tongue finally finding the strength to move. He doesn't make eye contact.

"I said shut up!" Peter screams as he drags me by my arm. His long fingernails carve into my skin and I hold back a whimper. They take me down a series of long hallways before Peter pulls a keycard out of his pocket and flashes it in front of a metallic circle protruding from the wall. Inside, there's a twin cot attached to the wall, a toilet, a sink, and an open shower. There's a drain in the center of it all.

"Welcome fucking home." Peter sneers, pushing me to the floor in the room. "It's the last place you'll see before you die."

With that, he and Al leave me on the floor, my numerous tears flowing down the drain.


Getting to sleep was surprisingly easy. I tell myself that I was just tired, but I knew that I was hoping to dream of Tobias, just so I could see his face one last time before I die.

The only problem is I didn't dream of Tobias- no, I dreamed of the nightmare waiting for me the next morning.


I'm jerked awake that morning, by a solemn-looking Al. He just grunts and nods his head in the direction of the door, telling me that I need to go.

"Why did you do this Al?" I question as I stand. Silence. "Al?" Silence. "Goddammit Al! You're about to aid in my murderer, I need to know why!" He slams my body against the wall, making me groan as my spine comes in contact with the painted concrete.

"Because you, like everybody fucking else, don't notice me! You didn't even realize that I liked you! You were too busy sticking your tongue down Four's fucking throat!"

"And this is the way to make your crush notice you!" I scream back at him, my body straining against his strong hold. "You're fucked up Al! And I hope that when Four comes for me, he kills you! An-eye-for-an-eye right?" His face falls and I chuckle mercilessly at him. "Fuck you, you fucking coward." I take a deep breath before he leans on my neck harder, trying to- punish me?-for my comments about him.

He grunts suddenly and bounces back, his hand latched onto my arm. "Come on." He commands, pulling me back down the hallway. We get back to the lab I was in yesterday, and he leaves me handcuffed to the exam table.

"Jeanine will be in momentarily. That cup," he points to a plastic cup an the end of the table. It's within my reach. "Contains your breakfast. Just a protein shake of some kind I believe." Then, he leaves.

I wrap my fingers around the cup slowly, as you would try to do with a wild animal. I don't want to take anything from them, but if I don't keep up whatever strength I have, I'll have absolutely no chance, and that sounds worse than downing a protein shake.

I sip slowly on the shake. It's really good sadly, giving me one thing that I can't hate about my predicament. When it's gone, I place it back at the end of the table and lean back expectantly. The door opens moments afterwards.

"Good morning," Jeanine greets, her too-white smile glowing in the awkward lighting. "Are you ready for your first torture?" I growl lowly, pissed at her happy demeanor.

"No. What is it?" She grins evilly, reminding me of the Joker from Batman.

"Torture 1:" she begins, the information committed to memory. "Burns."

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