Chapter Forty-Seven

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Tris POV

"Okay, Marlene, let's get you to the office." I jerk my head in the direction we're going and walk up to everyone at the restaurant's little patio fence. "Hey Four, can I have the keys?" We all came in separate cars for some reason, and I guess it's a good thing cause now I can leave and he can just get a ride back. He nods and hands them over to me. All they're eyes looks at Marlene questioningly, but I don't want her to feel uncomfortable, so I just tell them her name and that we'll be at the office for a while.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Four asks me. I look at Marlene shifting uncomfortably and shake my head no. If I want her to tell me what happened to her, then I need her to be comfortable. I wave goodbye to everyone and meander back to the car, trying to stay with Marlene's pace.

"Are they your friends?"

"Yeah, they're all FBI agents too, so you'll see them again." She nods and continues walking, one hand running up and down the other anxiously.

"Hey, you're gonna be safe now." I tell her, grabbing one of her arms and stopping so I can look her in the eye. "We'll arrest your husband when we have what we need from you, you'll go to court, give your testimony, and then he'll be locked up for a very long time. Trust me, we'll keep you safe."

Tears flood to her eyes again and she nods before nudging me in the direction of the car. I continue walking and once we reach it, I let her get in before I do.

"Now, Marlene," I start the car. "I won't really start questioning you until we get to the office, but I need to know one thing." She stares at me, blue eyes intense and focused. "Are you hurt on any other part of your body?" She nods immediately. "Because in order to really build a solid court case against your husband, we need proof, and proof comes in pictures." She closes her eyes and nods before she begins speaking.

"I've got a black eye, I'm pretty sure my ribs are bruised and I know for a fact that I have finger print bruises up and down both my legs and my arms. I'll have t check for more, but that's just off the top of my head."

I sigh, bobbing my head up and down, then staying silent for re rest of the ride.


We seem to get to the office really quick and I park in Four's spot. I jump out of the car and watch as Marlene painfully does the same. She looks at me and I motion for her to go first. "That way," I point. "To the elevator." She walks ahead f me and I study her gait from behind. She walks very stiffly, with a little bit of a limo from her left leg. Whoever the hell did this is going to prison, I'll make sure of it.

We get to the elevator and she presses the button. While waiting, I notice that she bites her lip a lot, and she constantly spins the absent ring on her finger.

"How long ago did you get out?"

"A week ago. I probably should have completely left Los Angeles, because he could probably find me anywhere."

"Why do you say that?" She shifts and looks at me, guilty.

"Because he works for the FBI too."

"What?"  The elevator door opens with a 'bing' and then, it all happens in slow motion. Eric walks out, but his eyes hold on Marlene, who stiffens very visibly.

"Hello Marlene, dear." He grits out, before suddenly his hand shoots out and grips her neck, raising her off the floor. "You think you could just run!?" He screams, before crumpling to the floor, shrieking. Blood pours out over the floor, staining it a dark red and pooling near his knee. My hand holds the gun, and it's still aimed at him.

"Marlene..." I take a deep breath and glance at her sobbing figure on the ground. "get in the elevator, close the doors and press the red button, it should lock the door and keep you on this level." I tell her, my gun trained on Eric. She does as I ask and I approach him carefully. He has a gun on him somewhere. "You like hitting women Eric?" I ask him, checking his empty holster. Shit. "Show me both your hands." He chuckles mercilessly and sneers, his teeth shining like the piercings that cover his face.

"I think I'd rather do this." Instead of shooting him again, as I probably should have, I sprint to the nearest car and dive behind it just as the first gunshots echo through the garage.

"Eric! You're gonna want to stop doing whatever the hell you think you're doing, right f*cking now!" He shoots the gun again, shattering the window above me.

"No, Tris. I really don't." He chimes, before suddenly, a car starts and screeches away. I jump out and shoot at it, breaking one of the side mirrors and hopefully flattening one of his tires. He drives out of sight.

"Shit." I whisper, extracting a piece of broken glass from my arm. It stings and blood begins leaking out of the cut, but it's no severe. "Marlene? You can come out now, he's gone."

The doors spring open with that annoying chiming sound and her tear-streaked face peeks out from behind the wall. "Where'd he go?"

"He got away, but" Uriah's car appears around the bend with Will's following. "Our Intelligence team is here now, we should be able to find him pretty quickly."

Before Uriah's car even stops, Four hops out of the back. He glances at the blood on the floor before seeing my arm and striding to me, and softly pressing his fingers around the wound.

"What happened?" Uriah yells from his car.

"Eric's not just a bastard, he's also an abuser. But he got away, and I need you and Will to find him."

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