Chapter Sixty-Five

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Hours later, we're back in his bed and my head lays on his hard stomach as he plays with my hair. I'm surrounded by him. It's his sheets, I'm wearing his shirt, I'm in his room- and I couldn't be any happier. Everything is perfect, and I don't think about any of my problems as I lay there with him in silence, worry-free.

Suddenly, the sound of his voice surrounds me too.

"So, I was never really told how you knew Peter and everything." He states. I crane my neck up to look at his questioning gaze before I sigh and answer him.

"Well, we dated for a while," I admit, cringing as he stiffens. "And when I wouldn't have sex with him, he decided to kidnap me. He didn't do anything to me other than not allowing me to eat for the three days I was trapped in his basement." I can see the anger painted on Tobias' face, and I grab his hand before he gets too upset. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here now, I'm fine...okay?" He inhales deeply and runs his other hand through his hair.


"Do you want me to keep going?" I inquire, I don't want him to be upset or anything. It'd be a shame to ruin this perfect afternoon. He nods. "Well, my parents finally got me out. I testified soon after that and he was to be put away for nine years. He escaped with Jeanine about a year and a half or two later. That's when he came to the FBI."

"Hm." He hums, his face set in a straight line.

"Okay, your turn to share." I grin up at him, rolling so I straddle his waist and lay my head on his chest. He chuckles at me.

"Share about what?"

"The two years you were in the FBI before I was, duh." I smirk up at him before kissing his chest and laying my head back down to listen.

"Well, the first...year or so was good. Then, I got the chance to go arrest my dad, and he said a couple things that...that just messed me up. Some of it was stuff about my mom, some about me, and while we did end up getting him locked up, I was still shaken by the things he said. That was when I stopped talking to your mom, started talking to Lauren, and started to get into drinking." I stay silent, allowing him to think about it all. His chest vibrates with his voice when he gathers his thoughts and continues. "Zeke and Uriah were trying to help me out and everything, so was my old partner, Amar...and for a while it got better." He's silent for several minutes, a distraught look on his face and his eyes seem glossy. "Amar was killed on a mission and I-" his voice breaks. "I should have been there, but I was drunk off my ass at a bar after an argument with Zeke and Uriah about Lauren. I didn't drink or talk to Lauren again. At least, not until you came and confused the shit out of me." I laugh at him then, and he joins, making me feel a little better. His chest rumbles with a deep, rich sound and the grin on my face seems to gets bigger. "You saved me. You showed me that my life was worth living. For that I'll always be grateful."

I don't say anything, and I don't do anything for several moments. Instead, we stare at each other for a long time before I can't take it anymore, and I close the space between us.

His lips seem to complete me, and as we sit there kissing, I feel whole. The gap in my heart has been filled, and the feeling is inexplicable. His rough hands plant themselves on my waist and it's almost as though he's holding me above him. I curl one hand around the end of his neck and laugh into our kiss as he squeezes my waist slightly. I pull back.

"Not cool." I laugh as I sit back up and sit on his stomach. "You're not allowed to tickle me, remember?"

"What?" He asks, obviously aware of it. The smile on his face grows wider and I can't help but grin back down at him. "Wait, do you- do you mean like this?" He flips me over and pins me down with his weight.

"Tobias, don't you dare!" I shriek, ripping my hands from his grasp. He catches them easily though, and holds them with one hand.

"I dare." He whispers, giving me an unwanted peck on the lips before digging his fingers into my side lightly.

"No! No! To-Tobias!" I yell, interrupted by giggles. He tickles me everywhere and I can't seem to breath for a while, luckily though, he stops after a couple minutes. He lets go of my hands and I use them to push him off me, trying to gain back my breath. Once I finally do so, I get up out of bed. I can tell the silence is bothering him.

His footsteps follow me out to the kitchen and as I open the refrigerator to grab some yogurt, he speaks.

"Tris?" His voice is tentative and I turn away from him so he can't see the grin appear on my face. I gonna have a little fun with him. "Trissy?" The hell? Trissy? "Tris, I'm sorry. I didn't know that that bothered you that much." I just grab a spoon and remain silent. As I walk to the table, I feel his hands on my hips before I'm spun around quickly, causing me to drop my spoon.

"Tobias." I huff, the face of irritation.

"Tris, I'm sorry...will you forgive me?" I look away from him, tapping my foot as though I'm not sold on the idea yet. "I promise I won't tickle you again, and we can go on a date." I glance at him. Sold. He sticks his lip out in a pout, and I try to keep my face straight for a couple seconds before I smile at him.

"Okay." I kiss his lips and laugh at his awestruck face.

"What?" He questions. I hand the yogurt back to him as I turn around and skip towards the door. As my body steps out the door I yell, "Pick me up at 6."

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