Chapter Twenty-One

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"Hey Chris, I'm about ten minutes away." I say, as I answer my phone. She must be wondering where I am.

"Tris, you have to get here faster than that." She responds, her voice deadly quiet, not at all like her usual peppy tone. It makes my skin crawl.

"What? Why?" My hands tighten on the steering wheel as once again many scenarios run through my head, most of them bad.

"There are people following me, and I don't mean like one or two people, I'm talking a group of ten freakishly huge men following me." She sucks in a breath and a shiver treks it's way across my body.

"Where are you?" I ask, instantly alert. I press my foot down harder on the accelerator, thanking God for the mostly empty streets tonight.

"A block away from the address I texted you."

"Alright Chris, stay calm. I'll be there really soon, but you need to stay on the line." I blow through a red light.

"Okay." We're both silent for a few minutes when suddenly, I hear her again. "Tris, they're closer."

"Oh my God." I mutter to myself, going even faster.

"Tris, what do I do?" She asks, her voice panicky and rising.

"Just keep walking, maybe walk faster actually and go into the next open building you see."

"Okay." I can hear the clicking of her heels speed up and my GPS announces that I have four miles to go. "Oh my God..." She whispers.


"There are more of them up ahead. They just came around the corner." Her breathing picks up, and she starts crying. "Tris, I don't have my gun or a badge." Anxiety twists in my stomach like a deadly snake that's about to strike and inject it's poison.

"Chris..." I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady for her. "They're going to kidnap you." She sobs on the other end. "You'll be okay, we all had trackers implanted during training remember? We'll find you." She whimpers.

"Tris, they're here." I hear a man's voice shout at Christina, then a blood curdling scream, which I can hear without the phone, reverberating through the streets. I push the car to ninety miles an hour and my GPS tells me I'm at my destination, which means Christina is about two blocks away...but she didn't tell me which way. Shit.

Suddenly, I get a dial tone and I can't hear her screaming anymore so I'm lost. I look down all the streets, looking for a big group of men or something, but there's nothing. Where the hell did they go?

I try to call all of the guys, in fact I call all of them twice, but none of them answer so I drive furiously to Dauntless, not even bothering to park my car. I think I jump out while it's still moving.

I sprint into the club, flashing the bouncer my badge then searching for everyone. I find them all by the bar, with none other than Lauren, Four's ex, dressed in what seems to be a tank top that stops at her ass. And that same ass is sitting on Four's lap.

I feel a familiar rage rise in my body, making the tips of my fingers pulse with anger. When Four sees me he pushes her off his lap, much to her displeasure, and stares at me with doe eyes, in an attempt to look innocent. But I can't deal with that right now. Instead, my focus locks on Will, who has quite the impressive array of empty shot glasses lined up in front of him. He looks at me and blinks a couple times.

"Who are you? I know I've seen you before, with-with Christina, my girlfriend. Well I guess she might be my ex now but-"

I slap him.

"Dude!" He yells, cradling his cheek and sobering up quickly. "Tris! What the hell?

"Get your heads out of your asses and answer your freaking phones!" I scream. Four approaches me, but I scowl at him and he steps back again. "Christina was f*cking kidnapped!" They all stare at me as though I'm speaking another language, and that's when I snap. "While you were here, partying and getting drunk off your asses, I was trying to get a hold of you for backup because Christina was kidnapped! Get that through your thick skulls and come back to the office with me!" They all nod their heads in shame and I storm out. They follow like lost puppies.

As I approach my car, I hear someone clear their throat behind me. "What?" I snap. Four looks at me guiltily.

"You're not supposed to drive yet..."

"What the actual hell?" I say, staring daggers at him. "Chris was kidnapped and that's what you're thinking about? I already drove here, bastard, I can drive to the office. Lay off, you're not my boyfriend. Especially not after what I just saw." With that, I get back into my car and drive away.


I'm the first one back and I go through the abandoned warehouse, it seems faster. Less people are here but there are still about ten others here, but I ignore their greetings and go straight to The Lair. I turn on all the computers and the interactive table, plugging my phone into a computer. While I wait for the others, I hack my way into my phones call log and get the recording, which I'll let everyone listen to. Then, on the interactive table, I pull up Chris' location, which is moving quickly towards Mexico. She's probably on a plane.

Finally, everyone arrives and I make them all sit down.

"We've got to listen to the recording first. If you have any ideas about anything, write them down."

I press play and we listen through the recording every now and then someone bends down to write something. Through the whole thing, I can't help but notice the pure terror on Will's face. At the part where you can hear her scream, he rushes over to the trash can and pukes.

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