Chapter Twenty-Five

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I'm not really sure what happened, I just know that Four swerved and now, the hood of our car is buried in a building. Dust or smoke fills the car and I try to inhale, but the air is too thick, and I begin coughing like a person that smokes three packs a day. Four grabs a hold of my arm then smacks a hand over my mouth. I can barely see him brush a finger over his lips through the gray haze but I get the message. The wreck was on purpose.

"Tris? Four? What happened?" Will asks through the earpieces.

"They know we're here. A black SUV, almost T-boned me and I swerved to avoid impact." Four whispers.

"You didn't avoid freaking impact! We're parked in a friggin' wall!" I reply, trying to brush the glass from the windshield off my legs without cutting anything.

"Okay, we'll get out of the car and I'll figure something out." I reach towards the handle of the door to open it, but Four stops me.

"Wait, I hear something."

That's when I hear it too. The soft, smooth pattern of footsteps approaches the car, making my heart rate pick up in anticipation. Four and I exchange a look that explains it all. We'll just have to fight our way out.

The footsteps are getting closer to my door, and I think there's another guy on Four's side, so I come up with a gameplay in my head that consists of me crawling into the backseat real quick, so that's what I do. Four shoots me a weird look when I inch myself over the console, but I ignore him and continue inching my way into the backseat. When my butt hits the seat, I swing my legs over Four's head silently and move into a crouched position on the seat. The dust outside of the car starts settling, and I can see the two men talking to each other out of the back window. I duck behind the headrest and watch as they both go to different sides of the car, pistols raised. The man on my side of the car must be six feet tall, wearing jeans and a leather jacket which is odd if he lives in Mexico, so I'd guess he came from somewhere else, somewhere like California. He is built well and has short black hair with a goatee and a mustache, he's pointing his gun at the front passenger seat much to my advantage right now. I slip my feet down to the floor and bend forward so he can't see my body through the window, then I wait.

As his footsteps come closer, I slow my breathing down and close my eyes, concentrating on the steady sound of his footsteps. I hear him stop right outside my door and I can hear his jacket move as he reaches for the passenger door handle. I grab my door handle. He swings the passenger door open and steps back, that's when I open the handle and kick the door into his back. I hear his gun go off and I jump out of the backseat. I hear Four's door open and the sounds of flesh on flesh which means he's at least alive, so I focus on my dude.

He must of crashed into the other door when I hit him and he's climbing off the ground as I shut my door. He turns when he hears the sound, but when I reach for the gun I had in my waistband, it's not there. Shit. He lifts his gun, but I kick it out of his hand before he can shoot. I hear it as it clatters on the roof of the car, then I smirk at the man.

"Looks like it's just you and me." I tell him as he scans me up and down. He sneers as though he thinks it'll be easy and that sets me off. I lunge forward and deliver a swift punch to his nose, blood pours instantly. He seems to realize that I have more fight in me than he thought and he comes at me with a punch, which I dodge. He continues advancing, but I dodge everything he throws at me and when I see an opening I punch him in the face again apparently he gets mad and impatient, so he he ducks down and runs at my stomach. When he hits me, I can feel the air pour out of my lungs. My torso is thrown over his shoulder and he rams my butt and legs into the car, full force, but when he pulls away from the car and is about to drop me, probably to kill me, I swing one leg over his shoulders so I'm sitting on him. He grips my legs to pull me off, but I take his head in my hands and twist till I feel several pops. His hands go limp.

Before he completely falls, I grab onto the rails on the roof of the car and drag myself up. His body hits the floor with a 'thump' and I'm hit with the reality of what I did. I killed him.

I shake my head and grab his pistol that was on top of the car, looking for Four and his buddy. They're about twenty yards from the car punching each other in almost a sequence, Four punches, the other guy punches, Four punches, the other guy punches, and so on. Then Four turns the fight and pushes the guy into the wall of the building we hit. He punches his face repeatedly and when I'm sure they aren't going anywhere, I aim the gun and yell, "Four! Duck!"

He crouches down and I fire, hitting the man between his eyes. He falls backwards into the building and slides down the wall, his lifeless eyes staring into space. I can see Four look at me out of my peripheral vision, but I can't stop staring at the dead guy.

Suddenly, Four is grabbing my ankle.

"Tris!" He yells, I glance at him before looking back at the body.

"What?" I whisper.

"I've been calling your name for like a minute." He responds, his eyes clouded with confusion or worry.


"Come on." He says, reaching his hand upwards to help me down. I can't budge. "Tris... Tris, we have to go right now, the cops or some more of those guys are going to come soon." As if to prove his point, police sirens start going off. "Tris!"

"I killed them." I whisper.

"Yes, you did it if you didn't they would have killed you. Tris, you did what you had to to survive, don't feel bad about it."

I look at him, trying to see proof in his eyes. Proof that he's lying. There is none.

I crouch down and hand him the gun, he puts it in his waistband before placing his hands on my hips and lowering me from the roof. When my feet hit the floor he grabs my hand and says, "Okay Will, where to?"

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