Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Tris' POV

Normal people aren't supposed to fall in love as quickly as I feel I have. But as I kiss Four, I decide something.

We aren't normal.

No-we are a jumble of broken puzzle pieces of who we used to be, duct-taped together haphazardly, making strange, but beautiful puzzles that somehow fit together in the mess of broken puzzle pieces. We've left behind the small, unimportant pieces that are supposed to be used to make us complete, and instead we've replaced them with each other. Which in a way, makes us even more complete.

When we break apart, I press his forehead to mine and I keep my eyes closed as I say four little words.

"I love you, Four."

"Tobias." He whispers and I pull away.


"Tobias, that's my real name." My heart expands as he tells me this and I feel a happiness overwhelm my body, making me warm all over. Tobias.

"Okay, then I love you, Tobias." I kiss him again when suddenly, all the clues click and I pull back again. "Wait, you're Tobias Eaton?" He nods. "My mom must have thought highly of you, you were in her letter, remember?" He nods again, a sad expression on his face. "You knew my mom?" I inquire, suddenly slightly upset.

"Yes, very well actually. She got me into the training program when I was 17."

"So, you knew her for that long, and you didn't think it would be an important thing to tell me? I know you said you knew her," I grit out, thinking of my first day. "but I thought you meant you knew her like everyone else says they do, just by her name in the FBI."

"No." He mutters, suddenly very quiet. He won't meet my eyes.

"How long did you know her, then?! How well did you know her, Four?!" I yell, backing away. He flinched at my use of his nickname, and for a moment, I feel bad. Then I remember what a big secret he's been keeping from me. "Answer me!" I shout, throwing my hands in the air when he doesn't answer.

"Remember that one time when you were 15 that you came downstairs from your room to find you mom in the living room with a bunch of passports and stuff? She was crying?" I stiffen as I think about that night. She had told me she was going away but that she would be back soon. She didn't come back for over a month. I just nod. "I was there." He breathes, making me sick in a breath as I hold back angry tears. "She was with me for that month that she was gone. We were in the Mexico safe house that I took you to. For a while before that, she helped me when my father beat me to the point where I couldn't help myself. She saved me Tris." The tears leak out of my eyes and his face twists into a grimace as he sees the drop to the floor. "Tris, baby I'm so sorry. I was going to tell you, but I was scared that you'd react-"

"React how, Four?!" I shriek, backing away from him even more. "Exactly how I am now? Cause yeah, you were right about thinking I'd react this way! I just wish you'd told me before I had anything to lose!" The moment the words leave my lips I clamp a hand down on them.  He knows I was talking about us. Before I can say anything else that I'll regret, I push past him and out of the room, sprinting to the elevator.


Tears continue streaming down my face as I run through the abandoned warehouse towards my car.

How could he not tell me about knowing my mother that well? I get that he didn't want me to be upset like I am now, but it wouldn't have felt like such...betrayal if he had told me a month ago when nothing was going on between us.

When I step through the warehouse doors, the feeling from earlier is back, and I can feel someone watching me. I pause for a couple seconds to scan my surroundings, but I don't see anyone. I continue shuffling to my car keeping my eyes wide open. The tears are gone now.

As I get closer to my car, a deep dread begins curling in my stomach and I squirm uncomfortably. Something isn't right. I withdraw my gun from the holster on my hip and approach the car slowly, keeping the barrel down as I turn the safety off. The weight in my stomach becomes heavier as I get closer to the car and when I'm about fifteen feet away, I hear my name called.

"Tris!" Tobias yells, I whip around to look at him as he slips through the warehouse doors. I'm about to tell him to stay back, but I don't get the chance to.

It's deafening- the explosion is behind me- as my car explodes. The blast I feel from it flings my seemingly weightless body forward by at least ten feet and I can feel the heat of the flames on my back, though it doesn't set my clothes on fire. I somehow retain the sense to turn sideways as I'm flying through the air and I land completely on my right side. I scream as I feel my arm shatter under my body weight; my body slides forward for several feet on the asphalt and I feel the black rock tearing through not only clothing, but also my skin. I can smell burnt hair and gasoline as it mixes with the metallic scent of blood making bile rise in my throat. I swallow it back down and it burns through my body.

Suddenly, I'm being lifted into strong arms. The last thing I see is Tobias' lips moving as he tries to talk to me. I just try to smile at him to let him know I'll be okay, but I think I pass out before I'm able to complete the small action.

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