Chapter Twenty

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Four and I workout together for a while, making out periodical in between sets. After about two hours, we both go back into our locker rooms to shower. Miraculously, I finish before him and walk into the knife throwing room, just while I wait.

I program it for thirty feet and throw for ten minutes, eventually getting bored and making a smiley face out of knives. I'm just about to barge into the men's locker room and demand Four to hurry his ass up when two arms latch to my waist.

My whole body tenses, ready to fend off Peter or something until Four whispers in my ear, "Relax." I lean back into his chest, once again wondering if I should be doing this with him. "You ready to go home?" He asks, spinning me so we're face to face.

"Yup." I reply, kissing him one more time before extracting myself from his embrace. I throw a smile over my shoulder before jogging away from him and throwing the door to the stairwell open. I take the stairs two at a time, periodically glancing over my shoulder to see Four following close behind. When I get to the next floor, I fling the door open and sprint to the end of the hallway where I hide behind a wall.

"Tris," Four whines, obviously not impressed with my childish game. "Where are you?" For a couple seconds it's silent, I can't hear footsteps or anything, so I turn to peek around the corner of the wall, wondering if he decided not to look for me.

Instead of being met with the sight of him twenty or so feet away, he is literally inches from my face, a wicked smirk painted on his handsome face. I jump slightly before returning his sneer and leaning in to brush my lips across his, making my heart skip a beat and my eyes close in pleasure.

When he goes to deepen the kiss, I pull away and put my finger on his lips. He shoots me a playful glare and kisses me lightly anyways. He grabs my hand then and tugs me towards the Intelligence room which Uriah told me they call The Lair.

When we enter The Lair, pretty much everyone is here, aside from Will and Al. Zeke and Uriah are both at computers and Christina is lying across the interactive table, her hand covering her eyes as she talks loudly about some of the latest celebrity gossip.

"Hey guys." Four greets raising his free hand in a wave. Christina shoots up on the table and sends me a look that says she will get every single little detail about Four and I. The past couple weeks she has definitely become the best friend I've ever had. When I was spending hours just staring at the ceiling because of my concussion, my day would get a little better when Christina dropped by with magazines or lunch from some restaurant that I just had to try. And in the evenings when Four was working late, she would come over and watch movies with me in twenty minute segments.

They all groan out hellos before continuing on exactly what they were doing.

"Where Will and Al?" I question. Christina answers first.

"Well, Will is going to be picking me up for date night in about thirty minutes and Al was sick today." Four nods his head and releases my hand, going over to talk to the guys. I hop up on the table and Christina sits up, her eyes alight with amusement.

"So is he like an insanely good kisser?" She inquires, getting straight down to business. I chuckle before glancing in his direction. Just to make sure he isn't eavesdropping.

"Yeah... He is a pretty good kisser."

"Damn," She curses, a grin taking up her entire face. "I totally called it. Hey Uriah! You owe me fifty bucks!" I raise my eyebrows and she explains hastily. "We all made a bet when you first got here about whether or not you and Four would become...involved, I guess. And I totally called it!"

Before I get the chance to respond, Uriah yells, "Alright Tris, Four says it's your bedtime so, you gotta go home. And I'm taking you."

My head whips around to look at Four and he shrugs. "Doctor said you needed at least eight hours of sleep at night, and if you plan on coming to work on time tomorrow, you gotta go." I huff before glaring at Four. He holds my gaze easily, but my resolve cracks, after all it would be nice to come to work for once.

"Fine." I groan, hopping down off the table and sauntering towards the elevator. "But I expect there to be some kind of food waiting for me in the morning."


Uriah drops me off at home and I take a shower before brushing my teeth. I lay down in bed for a about 30 minutes and am finally about to fall into a blissful sleep when I hear my phone ring in the other room. I groan loudly and pull my pillow over my head, trying to block out the annoying ringtone. It stops and I sigh happily, but then it rings again.

I roll out of bed and walk into the kitchen where the device is. For a moment, I contemplate smashing it so I can freaking sleep, but then I see a picture of Chris flashing on the screen. Why would she be calling me if she's on a date?

I pick it up and answer the call.

"Hey, Chris. What's wrong?" Her answer is a sob. I swear if Will was a little bitch...

"Hi Tris," She sniffles. "I'm sorry I called so late but, could you come pick me up?"

"What?" I question, tons of scenarios going through my head. "Why?"

"Well, Will and I got into this huge, stupid fight and we were at Dauntless, but I left before I could say anything I would regret. So, now I'm walking down the street in downtown LA in this super short dress and six inch heels in front of a whole bunch of freaky homeless people and I'm cold and I left my wallet at Dauntless on accident so I can't pay for a cab." She sighs and I hear her voice shake. "Can you please come pick me up?"

"I don't know Chris, I'm not really supposed to drive until next week... Can't one of the guys come?" I ask, but I'm already grabbing my keys. She would have thought of that first. She knows I can't drive.

"No, Will was texting them to come do shots with him when I left."

"Okay, I'll be there soon, text me where you are."

"Okay." She whispers before I hang up. As I'm about to walk through the door, I turn and sprint back to my room, grabbing a sweatshirt, make up remover wipes, (Lord knows her mascara's going to be a mess) and a Hershey's chocolate bar that Christina had actually brought last week. She needs it more than I do though.

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