Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Tris' POV

After Four's cryptic answer, we settle into a comfortable silence. He starts cleaning around my wound again before poking my knee to get my attention. I stare at him through half open eyes, the weight of my eyelids suddenly to great to bear. I close them for a moment.

"You're a murderer now Tris." Somebody says behind me. I feel a finger trace across my shoulder blades, then it's replaced with the cool metal of a knife. My body tenses and when I look down at my hands, they're bound by handcuffs.

"Peter?" I ask, but I already know it's him, I couldn't forget his voice. He keeps the blade on my skin but brings it up to my neck so he can walk in front of me.

"You're in the FBI, you know what happens to murderers." He leans forwards and his lips brush my ear, but I'm stuck. I can't move. "They get killed." He whispers before I feel him press down on the blade.

"Tris! Tris! Tris!" I open my still heavy eyelids to see Four's worried face above me.

"What?" I rasp out before clearing my throat. "Keep it down, will you? I have a killer headache." He stares at me in disbelief and I get tired of him not talking so I close my eye again to sleep, but Four quickly stops me.

"Nope, sorry you're not going to sleep. Not yet."

"Why not?" I whine, throwing a hand over my eyes.

"Because I let you a second ago then couldn't wake you up for five minutes. Scared the shit out of me."

"Well, why'd I wake up? I wasn't like dead, right?" I ask him, my eyes widening at the thought.

"No, no, you weren't dead, but your body really needs to rest so it can restore your blood supply, but I need you awake for a couple more minutes." He grabs the suture kit and opens it carefully. "

"Oh my God." I exclaim before falling back on the table, holding back vomit. I'm okay with stuff like that usually, but when it's my body? I'm not so tough about it then.

Four chuckles at me. "You okay?"

I throw a hand up in the air so he can see my thumbs up.

Needless to say, I don't look back at it again until he's completely stitched it up and has it bandaged.

"Alright, I'm done." He announces after maybe twenty minutes. I sit up to see an Ace bandage wrapped around my thigh, no evidence of the cut underneath.

"Thanks." I say, looking up at him as he gathers all the trash. He glances at me before turning away to throw the trash out.

"Your welcome."

He goes to wash his hands again before coming to check on the blood bag on the IV stand, which he unhooks.

"Blood's gone, so I'm gonna take the IV out." He sits back down in front of me and grabs my hand to look at the entry sight for the IV. He grabs yet another pair of blue gloves and peels the bandage covering the line off, then wipes the whole thing with alcohol. After sterilizing it, he presses a gauze pad over it and slips the IV out.

"Wow, you're pretty good at all of this." I inform him, watching as he tapes the gauze down. His hands stop for a moment.

"Uh, yeah, I was taught by someone that changed a lot in my life... She was an amazing person."

"'She was'? As in past tense? What happened?" He shakes his head and looks up at me, his eyes not quite teary, but definitely misty.

"She was murdered." His answer shuts the both of us up. Him probably reminiscing about whatever kind of relationship they had between each other, and me wondering whether or not she's the reason he's totally closed off.


After Four finished patching me up, he took me to one of the bedrooms, there are at least five from what I can tell. He showed my where the connected bathroom was and grabbed me an oversized shirt and some shorts to rest in before telling me to go to sleep and that he'd wake me when Will got a plan ready.

So, now I'm laying in bed, as I have been for the past half hour, just pondering the question of who Four was talking about. I'd like to believe that it was an old girlfriend that had died and that's the reason he had trouble dealing with the fact that we were, I don't know, sort of dating, but something tells me that's not the reason.

Whatever, I shouldn't even care, we aren't dating anymore and we never will again. God, I'm becoming such a girl, it's sickening.

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