Chapter Fifty-Two

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Tris' POV

After we all eat dinner, I do the dishes and Uriah wakes his computer up so we can get started. Marlene stays planted in her chair across from him.

"Tris? Wifi password ?" He yells suddenly, I roll my eyes.

"12345678." I reply, laughing at his dumbfounded expression.

"Your passcode isn't 12345678." He sputters, as though it's even more unusual than most wifi passwords.

"See for yourself and actually type it in, Uri." He obeys and types it in, chuckling when he realizes that my password is, in fact, 12345678.

"Just so you know," he begins, fingers typing away on his keyboard. "That is easily one of the most hackable passwords ever."

"Then you shoulda just hacked in." I chuckle as I dry my hands before making my way back over to them.

"Hey Tris," He asks after several minutes of silence. "Do you have a printer?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask, my mind conjuring up a picture of the printer that was already on the apartment when I got here. I think it's in the closet next to my room.

"Well, Mar needs to sign a document stating that she's okay with what I'm about to do." I frown at the nickname.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure it's a Bluetooth one, but let me make sure it's plugged in." I tell him, rising from my seat and gliding down the hall. I fling the closet door open, and sure enough, the printer sits on a shelf, plugged in and ready to use. "Go ahead Uri!" I call, waiting for the document to print.

The printer spits it out within seconds and I make my way back to the kitchen.

"Here, Marlene." I hand her the paper and grab a pen out of one of my drawers.

"It just states that you're okay with us halfway-illegally making your marriage nonexistent in the government database." Uriah reassures her, finally ceasing his typing.

Marlene looks over the paper, biting her lip as she thinks.

"You okay?" I question. Her eyes snap up to mine and Uriah's, tears pooling in them.

"It was three years of my life, you know? I don't know how to be okay with the fact that I'm just about to erase it all... I still love him," I glance at Uriah to see him close his eyes, like he's disappointed in her. "I don't know how, but I still do. He used to be so kind..." She starts laughing through her tears, hysterical just from thinking about the difference between now and then. "I actually met him one afternoon when I dropped like half of my groceries in the store parking lot. He helped pick them up... How can I just erase that?" I take her hand, holding onto it as though it's a lifeline and her eyes snap up to mine.

"You're not erasing it." I tell her, forcefully. "You still have your memories, many of which you probably want to forget, but they're not nothing. You need to remember the Eric that you loved, the one that loved you, and move on. A silly document in a million others doesn't make what you guys used to have any less real." Her eyes shout out with their pain,  but I just grin at her a little. Encouraging her. "Don't you want it all to be over?" She nods her head a little and reacts her hand. I watch as she signs the document, her signature long and loopy.

Uriah avoids eye contact with both of us as he resumes typing, and seconds later I hear him murmur, "It's done." Marlene seems to exhale, in relief or regret, I'll never know.

"Um, I think I'm going to go to bed." She voices, standing from her chair and wincing. Her ribs must hurt like hell.

"Okay, night Marlene."

"Night Marlene." Uriah repeats after me, waiting until she's out of the room to look at me. "I still haven't looked at the pictures." He mutters, shifting uncomfortably. "Should I?"

"If you're gonna be working on her case then yeah." I tell him softly, knowing that he really doesn't want to see them.

"I guess I have to then." He drums his fingers on the table and stares blankly at his black computer screen.

"You can do it here if you want, but I don't know if I can watch."

"No, I'll go home and do it, that way if I punch through a wall, it won't be one of yours." I chuckle with him and watch as he stands up, packing away his computer and everything. When he's finished, he turns towards me.

"Remember, don't get too involved, okay?" I say, approaching him and giving him a hug. He threads his arms around me, and I close my eyes. Hugging him reminds me of hugging Caleb. "I don't want to watch you get hurt."

"I won't." He assures me, backing away and grabbing his computer bag. He strides towards the door, but looks back as he opens it, his goofy grin plastered back on his face. "Change your wifi password Tris."

Then, he's gone.


"Peter." I spit. I'm in the same room as before, chained back down to the same freaking chair as last time. Peter sits cross-legged across from me, a vial filled with the blue liquid rolling between his hands. That's the liquid from last time. I tell myself, trying to prepare mentally for the pain that's about to overtake me.

"You know Stiff? I'm never gonna get tired of this." He stands and circles me, like I'm his prey. "Too bad it has to stop soon."

"What do you mean by that?" I grunt, twisting my head and trying to see him behind me. I fell his breath on my neck, and I shiver involuntarily. Damn you. I think to myself. I can't let him get a rise like this out of me.

"I mean that Jeanine has something planned for you, and she can't wait till your ready." His lips brush against my neck and I recoil. Suddenly, I feel a pain in the vein on my arm, and it spreads through my body, tearing my muscles, liquefying my body. I scream. I feel the liquid begin pulsing through my brain, making me wish I was dead.

"Make it stop!" I shriek, trying to rip my arms from the handcuffs that hold them together. "Peter! Please make it stop!" He circles around back in front of me and I see his sinister smile through the glossiness of my tears.

"Scream all you want. No one can hear."

"Baby?" I hear suddenly. I sit up in my bed, throwing my head in my hands. The pain feels as though it's still coursing through me, still ripping apart my insides. I look up the see Four, crouched by my bed, his eyes worried. Damn, I love those eyes. Love? Woah, getting ahead of yourself, Tris.

"Was I screaming?" I whisper, pulling him up onto the bed and snuggling into his chest, no longer upset by his silent accusations from earlier. Everyone would think the same thing in his position.

"No. I just had a feeling." He pulls me to his chest and I listen to his heartbeat as I fall asleep. Before I know it, everything is black, and I'm left dreaming of nothing but the feeling of his arms wrapped tight around me- protecting me from everything that's wrong in this world.

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