Chapter Eighteen

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It doesn't set in for a couple seconds. In fact, I had to ask Four to repeat himself before I actually believed what he said. That's all it takes for me to spill my entire theory..

"Four," I whisper, looking up at his face. "They're working together."

His brows draw together in confusion and butterflies bloom in my stomach as his eyes search mine for an explanation. .

It took me about twenty minutes to make it through my whole theory, from how Peter and Jeanine wound up in the same prison, to how Jeanine helped Peter escape in exchange for his loyalty, to Peter being the one that shot my parents. The only thing I'm confused about is why was Peter working in the FBI? I suppose it could have just been for intel.

Four listens intently to my explanation, occasionally asking questions and humming in agreement. The way Jeanine and Peter were caught together just seems to confirm everything.

"Tris, the whole idea seems ludicrous, but that might actually be how it happened. I'll call Will right now and have him check up on that." He stands up and walks away, pulling out his phone and dialing a number as he walks outside. He begins pacing in front of my window and I take a few moments to study him while he's unaware.

He hunches his shoulders when he's on the phone, instead of standing tall and proud as he usually does. His stride is seemingly shorter, but it's probably because he's pacing, and I see a hint of a tattoo peeking out of his shirt. I actually do a double take, because when I saw him shirtless in the training room for those couple moments before he put a shirt on, I could definitely tell that he did not have a tattoo.

I'm about to begin studying his face when he looks up at me, effectively catching my gaze and realizing that I was staring at him. His eyes sparkle with amusement and a small smirk takes over his mouth. I blush and turn away, desperately trying to find something to focus my attention on.

Eventually, Four comes back inside and tells me to get up and follow him.

"Where are we going?" I ask, jogging slightly to catch up with his tall frame.

"You forgot didn't you?" He says, looking back at me with a smile on his face. I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion. What did I forget?

"What did I forget?"

"Your doctor's appointment."


"Fooooo-uuurrrr," I whine, kicking his knee lightly with my bare foot.

"Whaaaa-t?" He answers, mocking me. I stick my lower lip out and pout for a moment.

"What are we doooiiing here? They're just going to say the same thing at last time." I play with the hem of my hospital gown and glare at him.

A week and a half ago, when I came for my checkup, the doctor informed me that I was making good progress and that I would be able to work out a little soon, and I was ecstatic, but the whole doctors appointment right now seemed uncalled for. They took scans and x-rays of my brain like ten days ago, so why did they need more? I'm not going to die, there will be no permanent damage, woohoo... Now let me get back to my freaking job. I feel fine.

"Because the doctor said that you had to be here, Beatrice." I glare at Four's use of my real name before dramatically falling back onto the paper-covered examination table and groaning loudly like a child. "Oh my God." Four mutters under his breath.

Suddenly, I feel him pinch my sides and I shoot up into a sitting position.

"Four! Stop! Oh my God!" I shout as he tickles me, mercilessly. I push back at his hands but he encircles them with one of his own and holds them above my head and continues to tickle me.

"Are you going to stop complaining?" He questions, I just nod my head wishing he would stop. "Nope, you got to say it."

"I- I'll stop c-com-complaining." I gasp, laughing hysterically. His hand stills and I take a deep breath to gain my composure, opening my eyes after a couple seconds. Four is inches from my face staring at me intently, making sparks flare within me, and that's when I notice the position we're in.

He's standing in between my legs which are hanging off the table, our hips and torsos lining up perfectly. He has my hands trapped above my head, and our faces are so close that I can smell his minty breath.

He lowers my hands without breaking eye contact and my chest constricts in anticipation. I place my hands on the examination table and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I lean closer, just barely, and he does the same. Our noses brush and I let out a breathy exhale. Four's lips curl into a small smile and I bite my bottom lip. I close my eyes as he leans even closer, our breaths mingling together. God, I've wanted to do this for a while...

Then, the door opens.

Four steps back immediately, the open, caring look on his face transforming into his usual hard expression. I blink and take a couple short breaths, cursing the doctor whom smiles at us when he's in the room.

"Hello, Ms.Prior." He greets. I only offer and expectant look. He clears his throat and logs into his computer, pulling up multiple images of my brain. "Well, I've got some great news." He announces.

Four sits back down in his chair and asks Dr.Alred what's going on.

"Well, there seems to have been a miracle," He states. My body straightens and I stare at him hopeful. What does he mean by a miracle? "Tris, it seems as though you have healed exceptionally fast. You've probably only got one more week before you can continue the life you had before this happened."

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