Chapter Thirty-One

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I eventually follow Four out of the room and down a series of hallways with many closed doors. We end up walking for about three minutes and all I can think is, damn this safe house is ginormous.

He takes me to a set of stairs and I walk down them slowly so I don't injure my leg again before we leave to get Chris. Four looks up at me as I make my descent but instead of helping, he types a code into a keypad next to a metal door at the end of the stairwell. It makes a chirping sound, announcing that the code was right before the metal door swings open on its own. I peer into the room and my eyes widen immediately.

There are guns upon guns on the vast wall to the left. There are machine guns, hand guns, shot guns, and if I'm correct there's a sniper at the end of the wall. Then, straight ahead is an array of knives, so many I can't even count. And finally on the right wall, there are different gun holsters and knife sheaths  that go around almost any part of your body. I walk in, my eyes wide with excitement and am delighted to see various bullet proof vests and other kinds of armor on the wall behind me. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

"Wow." I whisper, making my way immediately to the most lethal looking set of throwing knives I could find. During training, I had decided that guns and hand-to-hand combat were okay, but I loved throwing knives. To do it, you had to focus on so many little things like your breathing, your stance, the way you were holding the knife, the most effective place to hit the target; practicing was the only thing that got my mind off of it all.

I pick up a black one and trace the curve of the six inch blade, feeling a sense of safety take over my whole being. I flip it around in my hand, eventually twirling it as I eye the guns. I can already see Four picking up a hand gun off the wall and slipping it into a holster on his waist. I grab a pistol and walk over to the holsters eventually deciding on a black one that goes on my waist like Four. My hands also encase a thigh sheath for six knives which I wrap around my leg before meticulously picking my set of knives. I decide to go with the set of the original knife that I picked up, and slip all six black knives into the sheath.

"Tris," I hear Four say. I turn to look at him just as he throws an ammo clip at me. "You might want some extra bullets." He turns away and I slip in into a hidden pocket in the leggings. They're definitely designed for this purpose.

My eyes flick around the room one last time to see if I forgot anything and my eyes land on Four, who has a bulletproof vest on. That might be a smart move, idiot. I shake my head at my stupidity before grasping one my own size. I slip it on over my head  then inspect myself. The only thing I'm missing are my boots. Tori gave them to me a couple days into training. Essentially they're tall, black, lace up combat boots, but they have about a three inch heel. She told me that some days I would be going undercover and that I'd be in some really slutty outfits with some really slutty heels, which meant I had to learn how to fight in heels, so that's what I did. Long story short, I work out in tennis shoes because it's better for my body, but I feel much more comfortable in the heels because of how much I wore them for those few weeks.

"Four, I need my shoes," I state, grabbing another knife off the wall and twirling it in my fingers. "and I didn't pay much attention coming down here so I don't know where to go," I toss the knife over my head and catch it behind my back before throwing it back over. I can feel his eyes on me. "Would you mind going to get them for me?" My eyes shift to his and he nods slightly before leaving. I watch his back retreat up the staircase and when he's gone, my eyes land on one more thing. A calf sheath.

I stride over and strap it onto my calf before slipping the last knife in and walking up the stairs. I'll just meet him halfway.


Four's POV

"Four, I need my shoes," I hear Tris say. My eyes flit over to her then I do a double take. She's twirling a throwing knife in her fingers and tossing it up a couple inches then catching it again and redoing the whole routine. My eyes stay glued to her petite form. "and I didn't pay much attention coming down here so I don't know where to go," She throws the knife in a perfect arch over her head then back, barely even looking at the sharp blade. I keep studying her movements and the way she's looking at things. Most people would be dead to the world right about now, especially after losing as much blood as she did. I look down at her leg and as she takes a slight step forward, I admire how she doesn't seem like she's in pain at all. After all, she is human, she has to be feeling a little bit of pain, right? "Would you mind going to get them for me?" Her question jolts me out of my thoughts and my eyes go straight to her ice blue ones. God, she's so amazing, and I already screwed things up with her. Instead of seizing her and kissing the life out of her like I so want to right now, I just nod and begin walking up the stairs, trying to keep my mind off of the few incredible moments we had together.

As I walk, something suddenly comes to mind, Tris saw me shirtless today, from behind. Did she see the scars through my tattoo?

She's seen me shirtless before, but I'm always cautious about turning around, and aside from that one time when she first got here that she saw me break the punching bag, she's never seen my bare back. She never mentioned them after that time, so I assumed that she didn't see, but if she's mentioning swelling because of the tattoo, is she trying to find out if I'll let her see my back? Does she know about the scars?

I don't want her to find out until I tell her, I don't want to seem weak. What will she do? What will she say? Would she even want me with those scars? Would she want to be drug into my past? That's one burden I don't want her to carry.

Usually, I'd talk to Zeke about stuff like this, but when we were getting on the plane to Mexico, he made it perfectly clear that I was the one that screwed everything up with Tris, and that I was the one that had to fix it.


Zeke stops the car right next to the plane and gets out, probably to help Tris with her luggage, but I get out a little slower, breathing deeply and preparing myself for, what to me, is the worst experience a human could ever encounter. Taking off on a freaking plane.

I get out just in time to see Tris hauling her bag out of the trunk, once she moves away, I go to get my suitcase. Tris walks over to Zeke and I throw the pilot my bag as they exchange a few words. When I turn back to look at them, jealousy burns in my chest as I see Zeke hugging Tris like she's life itself. Zeke wouldn't ever do something like that though, he knows how I feel about her.

The last month and a half or so has been the best of my life. Tris just made everything better. Anywhere she went, whether she was injured or pissed or happy or sad, a light seemed to follow her and it brightened my dark world. She was so much like her mom, so selfless. You could tell within the first week that she would do anything to protect anyone, even if they were complete strangers. I loved it. And yesterday, when we became a somewhat couple, I'd never felt happier.

But, then I realized that I wasn't good for her. I'm so damaged and scarred; I'm so broken. How could someone as amazing as her ever have anything to do with me? That's where Lauren came in. I knew someone was bound to tell Tris that I made out with her, but I didn't expect her to show up. The moment I saw her, my heart deflated. She looked so pissed and hurt, but I knew I wasn't good for her so I just continued being a jackass, I had to get her away from me before it was too late. I would not be the one responsible for breaking her.

"Four!" I hear Zeke yell over the roaring engines. "Listen to me good right now dumbass!" I nod my head at him, I deserved that. "Tris is an awesome person, and you can't let her get away! I don't care that it's only been like two months and I don't care that you think you're bad for her!" Woah, he just read my friggin' mind. "You're not! These past couple months, I've seen a side of you that I haven't seen for a while, and I miss it. She," He gestures towards her. "is your second chance! You better earn it back." I nod at him, giving him a hug then turning back to the plane. I meet Tris' eyes and I see something flash through them, giving me a peek into her beautiful, confusing mind, but I can't interpret it because she turns away and ducks into the plane.

I will make everything up to her, and one day, she will be mine, just as I'm already hers.

*end of flashback*

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