Chapter Forty-Six

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Tris' POV

He pulls me on top of his body and I tangle our legs together as I lean down to kiss him again. We kiss for a while and he ends up flipping us so I'm underneath him. We're both so lost in the pleasure, in each other, that we don't even hear it as the front door opens.

"Ha!" I hear, causing me to stiffen and pull away from Four. "Uriah, I told you she didn't have food poisoning!" Zeke.

"You told them I had food poisoning?" I whisper to Four, who smiles shakily. "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Mmhm." I moan, pushing him off me and standing up. I shift uneasily on my feet and smile guiltily at not only Zeke and Uriah, but also Chris and Will and Al. (AN: Sorry I haven't mentioned Al in a while, he's really not that important to my plot line, and I'll find a way to nudge him out of the picture soon.)

"Hi you guys." I mumble, running a hand through my tangled hair and glaring at Four as he sidles up to me and puts an arm around my waist. Al seems to stiffen. "I'm sorry we didn't show up, but I was told that we really didn't need to unless something happened." They all smirk at my apology before Chris finally speaks up.

"Well first off, me and Will weren't at work because apparently I went through a 'traumatic experience' and need to have a psych evaluation before continuing work; and two, we knew you weren't sick, we just wanted to catch you in the act of something dirty."

"That you did." Four whispers. I whip around to shoot him a look and he throws his hands up as if to say he's innocent.

"Well, we were just about to make brunch, you guys hungry?"


Instead of making brunch, everyone votes on going out instead so we end up at a hole-in-the-wall diner with outdoor seating and perfect people watching opportunities, which is apparently what they do when they all go out together. They pick a person, watch them for a while and profile them from what they can get on the spot. It's actually really entertaining.

"Okay, see that guy by the crosswalk in the suit?" Uriah asks us. "Well, first off, he's trying to act rich to fit in with the people he's surrounded with on a day to day basis. His suit, though fitted, is not fitted correctly, so it's either secondhand, or it was a cheap tailor. He works in the lower levels of a high class company . He's constantly checking his watch so he's probably worried he's going to be late to whatever he's going to right now. He may also be divorced-he's trying to mess with a nonexistent ring on his left ring finger pointing that it was a recent split." He turns back to us and we do a little golf clap for him before his eyes scan the group. "Tris, your turn."

I turn, looking for someone interesting. There. My eyes go to a woman, her long brown hair hiding most of her face. She wears a baggy grey sweatshirt and some old flip flops for shoes. She seems to cave in on herself and she too, tries to twist an absent ring on her ring finger. She stands on the corner, looking slightly lost, but also cringing every time a man stepped by her. Shit.

"That woman in the grey baggy sweatshirt." I tell them. "She's also very recently divorced or separated. But its because her husband used to hurt her, maybe he still does and she ran away from him. She wears the clothes that she does because her husband used to get upset when she dressed too revealing for other people. He felt as though he owned her, causing her to believe it to, and also causing her to lose her own self-confidence and value." I stay quiet for a moment then turn back to them. "I think I'm going to go ask her if she needs help. Someone order for me."

I'm on my feet and approaching the woman within seconds. She looks up at the crosswalk sign as it turns to a walking man, telling her to move. I watch as she takes a step towards the crosswalk, but determined not to let her get away, I wave my hand and yell, "Wait!" Several people look in my direction, including her and I jog to her.

When I see her up close, I take a deep breath. She's so beautiful, with tanned skin, high cheek bones, and beautiful blue eyes... The only problem is the purple ring surrounding one of those eyes.

"Ma'am, my name is Tris Prior. I'm an FBI agent." I show her my badge and her eyes widen. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but most FBI agents have to be able to profile a person by watching them and their behaviors. Basically, we're taught to know what's going on in a persons life by just watching them for a small amount of time, and I couldn't help by notice that you have the classic profile giveaways of an abused woman, and seeing your face now isn't helping my suspicions." I take a breath and put the badge away. "I was just wondering if you needed any help?"

She searches my face, as if looking for a reason not to come with me. Apparently, she doesn't find one because her face crumples as she begins crying.

"Finally, someone to help me, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." She falls into me, hugging me, and while I stiffen, uncomfortable, I put up with it and stroke her hair as she cries.

Eventually she pulls away and wipes her eyes. "I'm sorry, you don't know how terrible it's been though."

I smile at her. "It's no problem. Now, what's your name?"


AN: Everyone remember who Marlene is in the actual series? ;)

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