Chapter Forty-Two

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"Four, hand me the eggs." I demand, holding my hand out behind my back and expecting him to hand them to me. The mixer that he had hidden in in his kitchen cupboards swirls in front of me, making a "whir whir whir" sound while making a whirlpool of most of our ingredients. The semi-solid substance is a deep brown color that smells like heaven and the only things missing currently are the eggs and the flour. Everything we've done had been in a really weird order, but Four wouldn't stray from the instructions so I didn't fight him. Suddenly, he yells "Tris!" And I turn around, ready to fend off Peter or Jeanine or a henchman, but instead I'm clobbered in the face by a flying egg.

It takes a minute for it to sink in, but as soon as it does Four starts cracking up. I wipe the egg off of my eyelids and forehead before glaring at Four.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, that wasn't supposed to happen!" I just glare, but as he turns to grab me a paper towel, I lunge forward, grab a handful of flour, and fire as soon as his face is in view.  I burst into laughter, tearing up at the corner of my eyes from laughing so hard. He blows out of his mouth and nose, sending clouds of flour everywhere and reinforcing my laughter.

"Your gonna regret that."  I hear him growl playfully, his body blocking mine from the mixer before turning it off and scooping out a handful of batter. My laughter ceases.

"Four, don't you dare." I say, making my way to the other side of the island counter.

"You're not going to stop me Tris, you can't."

"And why is that?" I question, my eyes darting from his chocolate covered hand to the bowl of batter.

"Because it's already done." Then, I'm covered in uncooked cake.

"Four!" I screech, running to the bowl and picking it up. I dig my hand in and fling the batter at Four, it hits him square in the back as he's running away. He looks back at me, his and my laughter drowning out my thoughts, and takes more batter from the bowl. I hear it land on my head with a 'ker-plunk!'  and retaliate instantly, pulling his shirt front and dropping it down. He makes a move to grab the bowl and as I try to dodge it, the batter spills all over the floor and we both slip on the brown slime. We seem to roll in it for a few moments, sparring almost, before I finally settle on his chest. My face is even with his, but my feet only reach at about his lower calves, making me realize just how much larger he is.

"I don't think that's what you had in mind." I hear myself voice, my eyes trained on his brown-stained bottom lip. I smile down at him, biting my lip when I realize what's about to happen. The movement is enough to draw his eyes away from my mine and focus them on my surely chocolate covered lips and I suck in a breath when I see the smoldering blue.

"Not at all." He whispers, making eye contact again and pushing some chocolate covered hair behind my ear before slowing pulling my head towards his. I stop right before our lips touch and listen to the sounds of our breaths, the synchronized beats of our hearts. Then, I press my lips to his, showing no intention to ever stop.


We kiss on the floor for I don't know how long... It could have been seconds or hours, but there was no way I could tell the difference. At some point we rolled and Four is now on top of me, holding himself up with one hand while the other trailed down my cheek, my hips, my stomach. It left a trail of fire as it went. I have been doing the same thing on him, focusing mainly on his flexed shoulders and back, but suddenly it isn't enough.

I want to feel his skin, the rock muscle beneath it flexed with the effort of trying not to crush me.

So I reach up, my fingers grazing the bottom of his shirt as I slip my hand under it. I place my fingers into the crevice of his spine and trail them upwards, enjoying the pleasured moan that comes from him. As I go up further and further though, I begin feeling little bumps and ridges in his skin. I press lightly on one to see if it's really just a vertebrae or something, but when I do, Four hisses and sits up, straddling my hips. His shirt falls back into place.

I look at him with wide eyes, but he's not the Four I've been having fun with all night. No, he's back to the Four that yelled at me and told me that my mom wasn't my mom, and that I was too small or young to be in such a high level FBI squad. He is back to his closed off, cruel self, and I can tell by the look in his eyes, by the dark blue exterior.

"Do you want to go shower while I clean this up?" He asks, his voice monotonous. My eyes search his, trying to find what I did wrong, but he refuses to make eye contact with me. I ignore the little pang in my heart.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." I answer crawling backwards a little as he stands up. He looks at me for a moment then nods, and for a moment I think he's going to help me up or something, but instead he turns around and busies himself with putting various things in the sink. I stand on my own and cast a sad look to his back before walking to his bathroom, grabbing a towel from the same cabinet that I keep them in, and undressing.

As I step into the stream of water, I think to myself, He's hiding something. And I will find out what.

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