Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Tris' POV

"Tris!" Max greets me enthusiastically, making my smile grow into a beam. "It's lovely to hear your voice again, how are you dear?" I chuckle breathlessly as I run a hand through my hair awkwardly. Has he not heard about what's been happening lately?

"Well, I've been better."

"I assumed that much." He comments chuckling heartily. "I heard about the concussion then about Eric just recently. It's a shame that things like that happen to people." I can hear him rustling through papers in the background.

"Yeah it really is...well, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I question, honestly not excited about the topics he just brought up.

"Well, I know that when you left, you had told us to sell your family's cars, your house, and all investments that they had made and I'm just calling to tell you that all of it has been sold and the money will be transferring into your bank account immediately." My heart throbs as I think about it...everything that made up my life is gone now.

"Oh, okay. Um...I'd just like to much money are we talking about?" I ask quietly, not wanting to seem greedy. I can hear the smile in his voice when he begins talking again.

"Tris, you will be receiving 1.8 million dollars." All the air leaves my lungs. 1.8 million? Where the hell did that money come from?


"Well, the house alone sold for 900,000 due to the location and size and the last 900,000 is all from the cars and the investments your parents made." The hell were they investing in? "The only thing left to discuss now is life insurance money, and that will be straightened out when you turn 21. Tori is actually the executor that received it and will take care of it until you are ready. I believe she has put it into an account that will collect interest over time."

"And how much was their life insurance?" I question. They can't have that much life insurance, if they did, they would have talked to us about it and they never did.

"Two million on your mom and two million on your dad. There was a million on your brother."

"What?" Max laughs at me through the phone and I feel my cheeks grow red. This is just a lot to take in...I'm a millionaire.

"I believe you will now never have to work a day in your life if you don't want to." My head spins. I'm a f*ckjng millionaire. "I'll be watching for your resignation letter." He jokingly adds. I laugh with him.

"That won't be coming anytime soon, I promise."

"I sure hope not...well Tris, I'll let you go. I believe you may have some celebrating to do."

"O-okay. Thank you Max!" I exclaim, my brain still trying to wrap itself around this. I'm a millionaire.

"No problem." He replies before I hear the dial tone suddenly.

I put my phone down and stare at my desk. What the hell just happened?

"Hey." I hear all of a sudden. My eyes snap up to see Four leaning in the doorway.

" long have you been standing there?" I inquire as I make my way to him. He does the same.

"Not long, who were you on the phone with?" He pecks me on the lips and I grin at him.


"What? Why?"

"They sold everything like I had asked and he just wanted to let me know."

"Oh, good. How much money did you get for it all?" He asks, genuinely curious.

"1.8 million dollars." I whisper, biting my lip.


"That's exactly what I said!" I tell him, grabbing his forearms. "Apparently they were investing in something with a ton of money, but Max said they got it back and...I guess now I'm a millionaire."

"Tris...what the hell are you going to do with it?" He questions, his eyes wide and curious.

"Well I'm going to give most of it to charities, of course! Maybe find a way to start a program for children who lost their parents like me." I tell him excitedly. The experience that I had been through sucked, but I can't imagine being put into foster care or something. Most of those kids get out of there with nothing and I want to be able to help them. "Four, I'd rather have them back then have all the money in the world, but now that it feels like I do, in fact, have all the money in the world, I want to help people. I'll keep some in savings just in case, but God, the things I could do...I feel like I'm on top of the world."

He looks down at me, a small smile on his face and I laugh. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Because," he begins, kissing my forehead. "My girlfriend," Butterflies bloom in my stomach at that word. "Is the most beautiful," He kisses my right cheek. "Most caring," He kisses my left cheek. "Most selfless," he kisses my nose, making me laugh. "Most brave person I know." He places a feather-light kiss on my lips and I lean into his chest to wrap my arms around his waist.

"You're full of crap." I laugh into his chest, blushing furiously at his words. "I'm not one of those things."

"But you are." He tries to assure me; his hands latch on my waist and push me back from him. I crane my neck to look up at him, just now realizing how much taller he really is. "You just can't see it." His hand reaches up to push hair back from my face and I watch his eyes as they caress my face, seeming to not only spy every little imperfection on the outside, but also within. It makes me self conscious and I look down at the floor. "Don't do that." He taps my chin and I look back up at him. "I love seeing those beautiful blue eyes...and I love the way you push through the painful things in life, and the way you sleep curled into yourself with your hands tucked close." He chuckles as he pulls me closer. "I love the way you cannot drink orange juice with pulp in it to save your life, and I love the way you react when you set your kitchen on fire..." He pauses to trail a finger down my face, eventually tracing my lips and making me close my eyes until he continues talking. "I know you might think it's too me I do too, but Tris... I just," He laughs. "I can't do anything without you anymore. Last night, I absolutely could not sleep knowing you were upset with me... That's why, Tris Prior, I am absolutely positive that I love you." He just said he loves you...

I stare into his eyes for several moments, just drinking in the dark blue water that seems to be contained in his irises, and suddenly I'm breathless. The high I get around him is better than any drug, any alcohol, any medication people could give me. He makes me feel things that I didn't know I could, and although I know the truth, he makes me feel more beautiful than any Victoria's Secret model ever did.

He makes me love him.

And with that realization, I press my lips to his, praying for the moment to last forever.

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