Chapter Thirty-Six

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Tris' POV

"You killed them." I hear, seeing a line of people dressed in black laying on the floor. There are knives sticking out of every one of them, either in their head or their heart... And I was the one that put them there.

I squeeze my eyes shut and turn away, running in the other direction...But I hit something solid. It's one of the men, his head dripping with blood and in one hand, he's clutching the bloody knife that killed him. He raises it above his head and aims it right at me. "You killed me!" He roars, thrusting his hand toward me.

I close my eyes.

My eyes snap open and I struggle to take in a deep breath. I look around me and realize my head is still resting on a pillow, so I must not have been screaming or thrashing. I look down at my arm when I feel an uncomfortable pulling sensation, but it's just a large waterproof band aid that someone put on me. I decide not to mess with it.

"The hell?" I mumble, once realizing that I'm in my own room, still in the clothes I was wearing yesterday. I'm not quite sure how I got here...It was probably Four.

I rub my eyes and they flit to a note taped to the mirror on my dresser; it flutters in the breeze created by my fan. Slowly, I stand, stretching my arms and back once I realize that my legs won't give out on me. I grab the note and my eyes scan it quickly.

Good morning... Just so you know, we got home around 1, so I just put you in bed. I'm in the guest room and Chris is downstairs in Will's apartment. I'll see you soon.


A smile overtakes my face when I think about what happened last night, and I walk into the bathroom happy, excited even.

I turn the water on and hop in the shower, thinking a lot about Four and I's situation, but the more I think about it, the less happy I get. There are so many reasons we shouldn't be together...We're partners, for one. I don't know if I can trust him around other girls- enter Lauren...and, I might not really want a relationship. A lot of people who have been through traumatic experiences look for something to give them comfort and hope, maybe that's what I'm trying to do with Four. Plus, I don't even know his real name.

I get out of the shower, my mind set on shutting down everything that's going on with Four. I check the time on my phone and see that it's 9 in the morning, and Chris fell asleep at about 9 at night yesterday so she should be up soon if she's not already, and all I want is to see her and make sure she really is okay.

So, I rush to get dressed and I throw my hair up in a cold, wet, messy bun, not concerned with my appearance for the day. I tip toe through my apartment, careful not to wake Four and when I get to the door, I leave without even putting on shoes. I sprint down three flights of stair and bang on Will's door the moment I'm there.

"I'm coming!" I hear Will yell, and I stop knocking. He opens the door and I see that he really must have just woken up, because he's busy pulling on a shirt and his hair is a spiky mess. "Good morning." He grumbles, clearly not pleased with my manners so far.

"Uh huh, where is she?" I reply, pushing my way through the door and scanning the room.

"I've got the same apartment layout as you, so you can probably figure it out." I nod before sprinting off in the direction of what would be my room. "Tris, where are your shoes?!" Will calls after me.

"I didn't have time for shoes!" I yell back, skidding to a stop in front of his door, my socks making it a little hard to do so.

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