Chapter Thirty-Four

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Tris' POV

"Get in the backseat with her." Four tells me as we exit the building, and I give him a look that says I was going to do that anyway, but he ignores me as her unlocks the car. I shove Christina into the backseat before following myself. Four closes the door and runs to the driver's side, as soon as he's in, he speeds away, leaving the long white hallways and closed doors behind.

"Chris, are you okay?" I ask, my voice trembling slightly as I take in her condition. Her dress is ratty and torn, exposing a lot more of her body than I think she cares for. I can see bruises on her abdomen and legs, hopefully from people trying to carry her and nothing else.

Her wrists and ankles are both red and bloody, presumably from trying to get her restraints off, and her face, my God her face... It's covered in blood and bruises. Her nose is swollen, which means she was probably hit in the nose. The blood is definitely from a nosebleed, because as far as I can tell, there aren't any cuts on her face. She has a lump on her forehead and her eye is also bruised, but other than that, there's just a ton of smeared makeup and running mascara.

"I'll be fine." She whimpers, leaning in to me. Four looks back at us and after seeing her condition, takes off his shirt at a stop light and throws it back at me.

"Here, put this on Chris." I hand her the shirt and she nods her head. Once she has it on, I hear Uriah talking to Four and I through the earpieces.

"You guys have a flight out in an hour, if you get there earlier, you might make it out in 45 minutes though so I'd head over now. Also, I just connected Four's phone to this call. Will says give it to Christina."

Four grabs his phone out of his pocket and hands it back to us, Christina answers it with a sob. "Will?"

"Baby, baby I'm here." He answers, his voice frantic. "Oh my God, are you alright? What'd they do to you? Where were you? Are you guys all the way out? Oh my God,I love you so much baby, so so much." I see a hint of a smile appear on Chris' face.

"I love you too, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left, and you told me not to but..." She starts sobbing.

"You shouldn't be sorry about anything babe. Now, are you okay? Is she okay, Tris? Four?" I nod my head as tears fill my eyes, then I end up taking in a shuttering breath before whispering, "Yeah, yeah...she's okay."


We head to the airport early, as Uriah suggested, and Four ends up carrying Chris onto the plane after putting on another shirt. The past 48 hours definitely haven't been easy for her and she fell asleep while talking to Will. He was disappointed that she couldn't stay awake and tell him everything, but I think he understands.

I climb into the plane after Four and take a window seat in the row across from Chris. To my surprise, Four sits next to me.

I try to ignore him, and for the most part, I do... That is until we start taking off.

The plane picks up speed as it sails down the runway, and I can't help but notice when Four's breathing picks up. I glance at him only to see his eyes closed and his hands clutching the armrests so hard that his knuckles are white.

When the plane is finally in the air, he releases his white-knuckled grip and his breathing slows back down. I decide to break the silence.

"You're afraid of heights." I state, not even looking at him. Instead, I watch as we pass over a city, it looks like one of those pinball machines that you see in restaurants and arcades.

"Yeah, I am." He admits, I can feel his eyes on me, watching my expression, calculating my reaction. I don't react.

"I didn't think you were scared of anything."

"Everyone's afraid of something."

"Is that another things that your nightmares are about?" I ask, remembering how he told me that he got nightmares about hurting people. "Heights?"

"I don't know, what are your nightmares about?" He rebukes, making it clear that he won't talk about it.

"Fair enough." I decide not to fight it...I don't want him knowing that I'm afraid of Peter...of Jeanine Mathews. "Are you afraid of anything else?"

"Nothing you need to know about."

"Why do you do that?" I ask him, no longer angry that he won't tell me anything. I'm just exhausted now.

"Do what?" I heave a sigh, rolling my eyes.

"Nothing, never mind." We sit in silence, both of us waiting for the other to say something. After probably thirty minutes, I stand. "I'm going to the bathroom." I state, inching past him. I'm walking down the aisle, when I feel his hand on my waist.

"Tris, wait." I turn towards him, curious about the longing in his voice. I don't even get the chance to say anything before he crashes his lips to mine.

I'm surprised for a moment and am about to respond, then I realize this is exactly what I told myself I wouldn't do. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and I'm about to pull away, when he does for me.

"Please." He breathes, his voice nervous, fearful. I open my mouth to say no, then I see the look in his eyes. It's a...wanting, a pleading, a begging look, and I'm sure it mirrors my own. He's taken care of me, he's pushed me, he's hurt me, and he's tested me, but God, every bit of it felt...right. So I stare into his eyes and wrap an arm around his neck. The other one goes up and I trace my finger down the side of his face. He leans into my hand, his eyes closing slowly as he swallows. He opens his eyes, and I stand on my tip toes to press my forehead against his. Our noses brush and we just hold each other, our breaths intermingling. Then, I can't hold myself back any longer and I press my lips to his.

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