Chapter Fifty-Three

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Tris' POV

Oh my God, it's hot.

I open my eyes, wriggling as I try to get away from whatever is making me burn up. When my eyes finally focus, I come face to face with Four's neck.

"What the hell?" I mumble, still trying to find out how I needed up sleeping in the same bed with Four. I'm not mad-I made the decision last night that I couldn't be mad at him for being suspicious-but I can't remember how we ended up here.

Then, it all comes back. The nightmare. Four waking me up. Me pulling him into my bed with me. And finally going back to sleep.

I also seem to remember a thought I had containing the word love. Can't have that happening anymore. You met him like three months ago.

"Tris?" I hear him mumble suddenly as he pulls me back to him. Lord, it's too hot for that.

"Four?" I ask, kissing his jaw in an attempt to wake him up. "Four, we need to get up."

"No, just five more minutes." He presses his face into my hair and I sigh. Guess I've got to be a little more stern.

"Four, get the hell off of me, I'm burning up."

"Tris, I know your hot, you don't have to say it." He mumbles, one of his hands running up and down my side, giving me goosebumps. God, that feels good.

"Oh my God, Four." I moan, half from annoyance, half from pleasure. Then, I'm hit with another heat wave. "Okay, we can stay in bed for a couple more minutes, but the covers are coming off."

"Fine by me." Before I can even move, he throws the covers off and grabs my waist, picking me up and setting me back down on top of him, so I'm straddling his waist. I just laugh. "Better?" He questions, a smile on his face.

"Much." I reply, leaning down over him to kiss him. I feel one of his hands go up my shirt to land on my waist while the other goes to my hair. I trail one hand down his stomach, holding myself up with the other one.

When we pull back for air, I collapse next to him and my shirt rides up just under my bra. I'm about to pull it down when I feel his hand splay across it, warming my whole body. When he lifts it back up I look to him and he smiles before he begins tracing patterns on my bare skin. I close my eyes.

"That feels good." I hear myself whisper, involuntarily. He shifts, then his lips are there too. He places butterfly kisses all over my stomach and after a couple minutes, I feel his lips drag up it before they're gone. I almost whine when I feel them again on my neck where he repeats the process, finally coming to my lips.

He places a light kiss on my lips before laying down beside me again.

"What was that?" I whisper, breathless as I throw a leg over his waist and lay my head on his chest.

"Well, if everything goes as planned, I plan to kiss every inch of your body...making it mine." His voice is determined and I shudder and blush, thinking of all the places on my body. Oh my God, stupid teenager hormones, I find myself thinking.

"Okay, that's it." I tell him. "We need to get up now, or I never will."

"Hey, I'm okay with the second option." He replies, making me glare at him as he laughs his ass off.

Real funny.


When Four and I finally get up, we go to make breakfast...well, more like I make breakfast and he tries to distract me.

Currently, I sitting on the edge of the counter, kissing him, just because he's so damn irresistible.

"Four, move." I demand suddenly, pulling away from him. He pouts.

"Why?" He whines, kissing my neck. I push at his chest and dodge around him, hurriedly flipping three pancakes.

"Because, I needed to flip those pancakes, and now they're burnt." I cry, pointing to the blackened circles. He grins sheepishly, coming at me to kiss me again. I laugh into him and pull away. "What's up with you today? You're very touchy." I poke his chest  and stare up into his pretty blue eyes.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just happy." He replies, pecking me on the lips. I giggle and turn away, taking the burnt pancakes off the skillet and pouring more batter. "Is it bad?" He says, grabbing my waist and turning me towards him.

"No, not at all." I assure him, kissing his jaw once. "Just different."

"Hmm." He hums, watching me as I take the orange juice out of the fridge.

"Want some?"

"Yes, please." I look at him hard, trying to figure out what's wrong, why he's being so nice.

"Seriously, what's up?" I inquire, turning for a split second to get cups. He doesn't answer. "Four, you can tell me." He looks up at me, his expression hesitant.

"I guess I was just really worried that you weren't going to forgive me for last night. We really aren't even officially dating and I'm scared I'm gonna lose you." The fear in his eyes breaks my heart and I walk back around the corner to see him. He averts his eyes from mine and I grab his hips as I turn him towards me.

"Hey, look at me." I tell him, reaching a hand up and pressing it to his cheek. He leans into it a little and I smile when his eyes meet mine. "You're not gonna lose me. I'm not going anywhere." He closes his eyes and I press my face to his chest as I hug him. His arms wrap themselves around my waist and he holds me close.

"Hey Tris?" He whispers.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" I look up at him.

"Of course I will." He kisses me again and I collapse into him, neither one of us really beginning or ending, it's His hand runs through my hair and I shiver as his hand once again runs under my shirt to trace patterns on my stomach. I slip my hands under his shirt and follow the inflamed scars on his back with my fingers and he presses us closed, if that's even possible.

"Guys?" I hear suddenly. I pull away to see Marlene pointing at the stove. "I think your pancakes are on fire."

Sure enough, when I turn around, three flames, about six inches tall, arise from the three pancakes.


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