Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I begin driving and after ten minutes, I arrive at the garage. I park in my parking space and walk to the elevator. I press the button with a 2 on it, I remember Zeke and Uriah doing the same thing. Then, I lean against the rail and enjoy the eight minute ride to the office.

Once the elevator stops, I walk out and somehow find my way through the hallways. When I enter our office room, I'm met with a loud squeal.

"Oh my God! It's the newbie!"

I turn my head towards the shriek, but before I can locate who made the noise, I'm tackled in a fierce hug.

"What the heck! Get off of me!" I struggle with my assaulter, but his/her grip is stronger than steel.

"Christina, that was a bad idea." I hear Uriah state to the left of us.

"What? Why?" Suddenly, she loosens her grip, probably confused as to why tackling me was a bad idea. It gives me the opportunity I need. Her arms are wrapped around my waist, and we're laying sideways, so I flip us so I'm on top of her, effectively ripping her arms apart and making her release my waist. I'm straddling her now and I take the opportunity to grab her wrists and hold them together in one hand while I poise my other to punch her, if needed.

"Wait, stop! I'm sorry, I'm just so excited to have another girl on the team. I just wanted to introduce myself." She looks up at me with pleading eyes. "Please don't punch me, I don't want to have a bruise, I have a date this week." She got all of that out in one breath, and I think she's about to continue, but I interrupt.

"I wasn't told that there was another girl on the team." I narrow my eyes at her, challenging her to disagree with me, she just smiles.

"Technically, I'm not. I'm a regular field agent, but I do you guys' wardrobe when you're going undercover. Plus, I live in the same apartment building as all of you, and I'm dating one of your team's members. So I hang out with the guys pretty often." She explains, I raise an eyebrow, but decide she's being legit when she yells, "Can you call her off, Uriah?"

"It's alright, Tris. She's harmless, but she's a touchy-feely person, so you might want to lay down law." He tells me, munching on popcorn and watching the whole thing play out.

I slowly let go of her arms and stand, looking down on her suspiciously. She's pretty. Her fair mocha skin compliments her long, dark brown hair, and her eyes are a milk chocolate color. Honestly, she looks like one of those models that you would see on a magazine cover.

I offer her my hand.

"Sorry for like totally freaking out on you," I apologize. "I just really can't handle being touched. You'll probably find out why soon enough." She waves her hand in the air, dismissing my apology.

"It's alright, I should have introduced myself first. I'm Christina." She reaches her hand out and I shake it, letting go quickly.

"Tris." I say simply. She smiles widely.

"Nice to meet you." I nod and walk over to my desk.

"Hey, Uriah?"

"Yeah?" He responds, looking at me curiously with his big brown eyes.

"We aren't going anywhere right now, like a mission or something, right?" He shakes his head slowly.

"I don't think so, why?"

"I want to go workout."

"Oh! You can just go down to the gym and to the girl's locker room and change there." Christina butts in, smiling happily and showing off her perfect pearly white teeth.

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