In my roots

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Ronnie's POV

I barely wake up with a head ache so bad it killing me. I grab my phone and see that it's already 1:30. Wow that never happened to me. I slowly get out of bed really hurt of all the lower body.

I go out and there's the gang. Sitting down eating some chips.

"Good night missy" jo says dramatically. "What the hell was going in your brain?" She looks at me very mad.

"Ugh Jo you are no fun." I roll my eyes. Justin also looks mad at me.

"Listen, I tried, I really did try to help you but I can't. You are going way out of control and no one is able to help you. Ronnie you are changing a lot. You are not the sweet innocent girl you used to be before". Jo basically yells at me.

"Oh please of course I am, but why do you have to act so much like my mom?" I groan at all of them.

"Cause you are growing out of control, when was the last time you spoke to Amelia?" She crosses her arms. I completely blanked out. Geez I forgot about her. I have been so busy around Mike and Jacob and my friends here that we got into an argument and never came back. "Exactly my point, so here's what we are going to do".... She starts explaining.

"I talked to dad and you are going to Australia for 2 weeks we are coming with" I look at her in complete shock. What on earth is she talking about.

"What the hell are you going about". I yell at her.

"You need to go back to the start and analyse. We will miss you here but it's the best" she continues. I roll my eyes and just nod. I mean it isn't that bad actually. I could use some time with people there.

"Look Ron I love you so much but Jo is right, you haven't been acting the same recently. We are fighting  a lot and most of them inexplicably include Jacob and it can't be like this anymore". Justin steps up to defend Jo.

"Oh so something goes wrong and you guys apparently make decisions for me is that it?" I yell at them.

"Listen, it will do you good, I promise" the finish speaking and then leave.

"Pack your bags we are leaving tomorrow night so we can be there by Monday" she yells from the other room.

"We?" I yell back.

"Justin and I are going with. Dad let us stay at the house" she explains it to me.

"What is going to happen in school? I'm supposed to pass clases you know? And you have university" I keep making excuses.

She comes back to the room. "You and Justin have a 2 week excuse and I need to go back for a volunteered project that is a big grade. Now pack your bikinis cause we are going back to Syd" she picks one from the closet and place it in my hand. I roll my eyes and just go with it. I mean a full holiday trip back home with my siblings is not that bad actually. I grab my stuff and start packing. I put all types of bathers and a lot of summer clothes because it's always hot there. I also packed my chargers and all types of extra things I might need. The good thing about my house is that it's only 20 minutes away from the beach.

The next day I have pretty much my suitcase well done. I woke up before anyone else did and just later down in bed. Cant believe that I'm going back home for 2 weeks. I completely disconnected from everyone there. I should probably let people know that I'm not gonna be here for a while.

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