Take me home

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"Son I know that you have planned to play football as a athletic choice at university, but I actually got a mail and you won't even believe it" My dad holds open a big letter really surprised.

Dear Jacob Evans...

Noticing your hard work and performance thus far playing at the last national championship "Juvenile Elimination League" and your outstanding score of 64 we would like to cordially invite you to the open of the next tournament as a representative of the United States delegation in the 2016 JGL tour located in Melbourne, Australia. We would take charge of the flight tickets, hotel reservation and all the commodities that you and 2 other people of your choice. We hope to get your answer before this weekend.

The Golf Association of Dallas.

I immediately looked shocked at my dad. "Does this mean I get to play a JGL?" I act super excited. By the way, a JGL is a golf tournament for people between 18-21 that may later classify for the PGAs and other big tournaments.

"What do you think?" He asks, anxious for my answer.

"Hell yeah old man, we are going to Australia" we both laugh in joy and hug each other. "Under one condition" I break out of the hug.

"The letter said I can bring 2 people, I want to bring Ronnie" he looks annoyed at me.

"Oh kid, what is up with this girl. You can't be 1 week without her?" He asks.

"Of course I can, but I want her to be by my side anyways." I say. "Besides, she is from Australia, she can guide us and we are in vacations".

"Fine, bring the girl" he rolls his eyes.

Later that day I bough coffee and a cake pop and turned out in her house. She was so excited to see me. She is using a skirt with a hoodie. The girls fashion really doesn't make sense, why are you wearing a hoodie if it's hot out there, especially if it's my hoodie. It's either hot or cold you can't use a skirt and a coat.

"Hey babe" she kisses my cheek. Her perfume smells like kiwi.

"I got really exciting news!!" I say out of anticipation.

"I have this huge tournament in Australia. If I win I can get into the PGAs" I grab her hand in excitement

"Oh my god babe congratulations, but wait a minute you said PGA.... is it a golf tournament?" she asks very confused.

"Yeah it is, and I really want you to go with me" I ask her. "I know that I couldn't do it without you by my side".

"To a golf tournament.... in Australia..." she looks like she wants to give me a sign, yet I don't understand it.

"Yeah, and it's all payed so you don't have to put one cent into it" I try to cheer her up.

She takes a deep breath and thinks it out. "Fine, I'd be honoured to go with you to Australia" I give her the biggest smile.

"Thank you I love you" I give her a big french kiss and she smiles at it.

"By the way, how much prep do you need for that tournament?" she asks.

"Around the 2 weeks I have, we will be spending less time together tho, maybe in the weekends but not taking you out as I normally do".

"It's okay babe, it is for good. Besides, Saturday and Sunday is enough" I smile at her with gratitude and give her a kiss.

Ronnie POV

Two weeks in and we are both finally ready for the trip. I don't even know how or why my dad was so chill about me going but I just went with it. I gave Jacob some basic recommendations about the flight and how long it's gonna be. He is pretty hyped about it either way.

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