The day I almost broke my head

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Two weeks have passed since the trip. Pretty awesome if you ask me. Ryder and I spend all day together it's so cute. He loves to play video games and chill in my house and Justin really likes him. It's been good in school, everyone approved of our relationship in some way, and I'm happy about it. He never did ask me if I wanted to be his girlfriend tho, that is why we are only, a thing.

I am gonna walk home cause I need to exercise. Zach is going to the cinema with Rebekah but they both promised that they'd go to the cheer exposition today so I'm hoping to see them there.

Ryder is with me, he had to finish his exams late at school and since we bumped with each other, we decided to go to my place. He'll wait as I get ready.

"What do you think?" I ask.

"You look stunning" He stands up and makes me do a small twirl.

"Okaaayy... we better start going or else we'll be late" I look at him with anticipation and smile.

"Hey aren't you taking this tennis shoes, I thought you got used to them" He looks at the white shoes in the corner.

"Yeah but they got a hole... I guess that I'll just use this white converse. I trust the girls with the flying part so I don't think anything will happen" He smiles and hugs me. We walk back to school and I run to the stage. The girls are in the back warming up and so do I.

"Angela and Riley, I need you guys to switch sides for this choreography, Angela you need to do that extra inversion but you won't be able to do it on your left" Chelsea instructs.

"Great, no problem" We all breath and get presented.

Attention by Todrick Hall starts and the choreography was going amazingly. One jump, two and three and they all look at me. It's going great. I gotta prepare for the big finish. I do a back flip and when the girls catch me, I gotta do a flip in the air and go back to their arms. It's such a tricky but practiced move.

I give a long sigh and start... backflip.... and jump! everyone gasps at the flip, as soon as I'm going down I feel the floor crash into my back. Every girl in the team comes close to me and see me in the floor. What on earth happened?? I felt a strong pain and my heartbeat in my chest.

"Call an ambulance... now!" I hear Ryder from the back. I just hear a weird ringtone in my ear and the sound of my heartbeat. So many voices from the distance all layer down next to me.

Ryder is grabbing me and isn't letting go. I just look at him and notice fear in his face. I just don't understand what's happening. Why is everyone so stressed around me. I hear a far sound of an ambulance. Next thing I know Ryder is sitting next to me and I feel some really strong light. The doctor looks at me inside and puts some sort of plastic around my mouth and nose. It's giving me air. Ryder grabs my hand and looks scared. I am hurt, but I feel weird, as if I was drunk. Suddenly it's becoming darker, I don't seem to notice the time but I fell asleep.

When I woke up I saw the flashing lights again. I feel way more comfortable now, when I open my eyes fully I notice myself in a hospital room. My dad, Justin, Jo and Ryder are sitting down using their phones.

"Guys... she's up" Justin looks at me and everyone stands up around my bed.

"Ronnie!! Are you okay?" Jo looks at me in pure despair.

"Yeah, sorry.... what happened?" I look around confused at all of them.

"Well sweetheart, your teammates failed to catch you in that last jump you had and your head and back hit the floor. We were all scared that something happened to you.

"Ohhh no!" I groan in pain.

"The doctor said that you are okay. You have a small crack in the back of your head but it didn't go to worse, you only have to be here for 3 days and they'll be taking care of you" Justin grabs my hand and smile at me.

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