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I was gone for one day but it feels just like for ever. He looks at me and then in our crossed hands before letting them break.

We walk inside the house. "We are here" I announce. Jo and Anne were at the door, Justin, Tommy and dad were at the kitchen.

"God I forgot that Ronnie lives here. Since she is always out" Justin walks to where we were.

"How was your PJ sissy?" Jo hugs me from the back.

"Better than expected" I say unconsciously seeing Jacob as I mentioned some invented details.

"Where do I put the pizza?" He is holding both pizzas and I can see that he is getting tired.

"Here, let me help you" Justin gets the pizzas and put it in the table. I sit in the couch and Jacob sits a little away but still next to me. Jo sits in the space between us.  I got a text from him.

*One thing I love about this house is how you are all always home*

*Ill be enchanted to meet you on Saturday ;)*

Jo reads the text and look at both of us. Thank god she knows or else I would be in trouble right now. She rolls her eyes and stand up.

"Come for your pizza kids" my dad finished serving all the pizza in plates. We go there and get the pizzas.

"Here" I grab all the pepperoni in my pizza and put it in Jacob's plate. Every time they buy a pepperoni pizza I always give the pepperoni and other sausages to Jacob so I did.

"Come on Ron, you could have gave them to me" Tommy hits my arm playfully. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Next time okay Bab- Tommy" he would have killed me if I called him baby in front of Jacob. Literally kill me.

"So guys wanna see a movie?" Justin asks going to the table for one more pizza.

"Sounds like fun, what movie do you want to watch?" Jo gets the movies from the table. She shows us 5 movies. Baywatch, grown ups, divergent, conjuring, and Back to the future.

We decided on Back to the future. We have 3 couches. 2 of them for 2 people to sit and one for 1. On the couch I sat besides Tommy, Justin and Jo on the other couch and Jacob in the little couch. I've seen that movie not once, about 10 times so it was very boring. I ended up  sleeping Justin's shoulders he didn't mind.

"Hey Ron, the movie just ended" Justin wakes me up very slowly.

"What time is it?" I groan.

"It's one am" jo yells from the sofa besides me. "You better go to bed before you end up using Justin and a pillow again" they all laugh a little. Jacob offer a hand and helps me stand up. I offer a smile trying hard not to blush. Jo noticed again but this time pointed at my room.

"Night boys" I follow her to my room. They all go to theirs.

"So where did you actually go yesterday?" She knows when I'm lying. I think I'm pretty obvious when I lie actually.

"He is passing through a bad moment right now and he needed to clean his head" I whisper and blush a little.

"And that place being?" She continues interrogating. My cheeks blush before answering.

"We went to Galveston" I whisper.

"Galveston? I lived here for 3 years and I still haven't gone to Galveston it's way to expensive for me" she says in shock. I try to lower her voice.

"I was just trying to cheer him up okay?" I whisper even more lower.

"Whatever, you decided what to do" she rolls her eyes. "I'm going to sleep goodnight" she reached close to me and hugs me.

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