The Day After

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    I woke up and realize that this isn't my bed... or my house. I rapidly get out of bed but stop because my head starts hurting. Flashbacks from last night fill my head and embarrassment controls all my emotions. I walk through the door and it directs me to the kitchen. 

"Hi, boo-boo feelin' better?"  Chelsea asks pouring a glass of coffee.

"Yeah I guess, My head's hurting a little bit tho". I tell her while I sit on the table.

"It's normal it is just last night's hangover" She gives a cup of coffee.

"So can I ask what happened last night".

"Ooooof " She opens wide her eyes and takes the bread out.

"Was I too bad?" I ask.

"Girl you went WILD" she expresses.

"Okay first of, you got really really drunk and started singing and dancing around with this single boy who I think is Nathan's friend. I got very nervous so I called Justin but his phone was off and Zach told me that he left with a girl named Amy. Then Jacob approached me and asked what the hell did you did to end in those conditions. I explain that I saw that you took some drinks but got drunk very fast. Next thing we knew you were gone MIA and after looking for you for 15 minutes we found you kissing a guy and well Jacob tried to convince you to go home but you were very Naive and screamed at him "You're not my brother nor my dad" plenty of times till I convinced you to leave. We got into Nathan's car and you slept through the whole ride in Jake's arms and I told them to let you on my house cause you're parents were gonna kill us if they found out that you were out at drinking with us at a frat party especially being 15. So I texted your parents telling them that you were having a PJ at my house and that they didn't have to worry. Jacob carried you all the way till the guest's bed and I admired him for doing that since you have to go up 3 floors to the room but then he left and came back with some things which I'll give you right now and he left for the night" Chelsea explains.

"I feel so ashamed right now" My cheeks turn red in embarrassment.

"Don't be, it was your first time drinking we all went through that" she hands me eggs, toasted bread, and jelly.

"Now, here he left you these pills for the head, a pack of mentos which I guess are for the smell, and this... book" she hands me the stuff.

I hold the book which has a green sticky note: When you feel better, I thought you may like this book. Call me if you need anything  -Jacob. I pull the sticky note out and it happened to be Truth Behind the Lies. I've read this book already why would he send it to me?

"So what are your plans for today?" I ask Chelsea.

"I am going to buy my school supplies. But you can stay here to sleep for a little more time if you need to" She says.

"No don't worry, I will go home I have to my school supplies too" I finish my breakfast.

"Ok, if you need anything you know I'm one call away" She hugs me.

"Thank you for being so nice and taking care of me" I hug her back.

"No problem, you should probably thank Jacob too because he helped a lot, I actually think he kinda have a crush on you" she smirks at me.

"Why do you say that?" I got butterflies again.

"Because... I know Jacob since 4th grade. I know he would never take care of some girl. That is imply not him" She says. I blush a little bit.

"I wouldn't recommend you going for it cause he really is a douche... but thank him anyways" She grabs a sip of coffee.

"I will". I say as I go to the door.

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