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I woke up at 10:00 am that's such an odd hour for me to wake up since I'm already up at 7;30. I almost jump out of bed but then I remember that dear Veronica has a cast on now. Why? Cause she can't be wearing a pair of heels.

I grab my mullets and walk down the stairs. It was way more difficult than what I imagined it to be. I see my dad, Anne, and my brother on the table

"Hey bro how was the game last night?" I ask Tommy.

"Oh my gosh, Dad now I understand why you picked me up so early" Tommy stares at me with confusion. My dad probably hasn't told him yet.

"Are you feeling better Hunny?" Anne asks putting her hand on my shoulder.

"On a scale from I have a broken leg to I can't do anything I'm in my life is over". I respond and look at my dad he looks a little upset about my reaction.

"Anyways, let's focus on the breakfast" I say sitting down at the table. By sitting down I mean making a huge mess trying to seat down balancing my mullets.

"So how was the game Tom?" I ask once again.  Tommy is eating his cereal.

"Awesome actually we won, a boy broke his leg too and he had to get out of the game" he laughs looking at my cast.

"How convenient is that," I roll my eyes and push him. We start hitting each other gently while laughing.

"Okay okay, no playing in the table, showers please" My dad breaks our fight.

"Sweetie don't forget to tell them..." Anne says looking at my dad and he stops her.

"Tell us what?" I ask staring at my dad. We both stop and look at him.

"Oh yeah, both of you you have to stay home today there's something very important for us to talk to you about" my dad looks at Tom and me.

"Okay, I guess? I don't have a lot to do anyways so" I receive my cereal bowl.

"I'm done with my breakfast" I say "standing" up from the table. I am trying as hard as possible to get my plate and mullets at the same time.

"Don't worry sweetie I will pick it up" my dad help me stand up.

"Thanks, dad, it wasn't necessary". I try to act independent.

"Hey Tommy, wanna go upstairs to play a video game?" I think he is done with breakfast too and I don't have where to go so I would like to spend some quality time with my brother.

"That would be great Ron, Let me help you up" he takes me upstairs.

I hear dad and Anne talking but I'm not that interested in what it is. It's probably about a trip that they are going to or putting the date to their bloody wedding.

"Careful I don't want to have a broken arm too" I joke. He is being so nice today I can't believe that he is actually taking me up the stairs and we are playing video games together.

Life for him was tough, first, we lost our mother but he was still very young so he didn't notice it much so  he doesn't remember her a lot.

But then he lost one of his best friends, he's name was Cyrus. Cyrus had many problems in his family, his's dad was an alcoholic and he beat both his mom and him. Tommy knew Cyrus like I know Amelia. They were best friends and our family always tried to help him to put his dad to jail but Cyrus didn't want to. Whenever he came to our house with a black eye or a bruise in his arm he would say that he hit something or any stupid excuse. Even though he was being hit constantly at home he still managed to fake a smile to everyone around him. I admired him a lot but he's story ended tragically. One day after school was over he went home and saw his dad home and broken bottles on the floor. He went inside to find his dad hitting his mom for not making dinner. He screamed, "you women can't do anything". And "you should be thankful to me cause I give you this house and family". Bravely Cyrus came between them and tried to defend his mom. His dad was clearly upset about so he let go of the mom and started hitting Cyrus. "You unworthy child have nothing to complain about" he screamed while hitting him harder. Cyrus Morgan died at 5:47 pm. December 17, 2018. Being remembered by his mom as his hero. After this tragic event, they arrested Cyrus' father and sent him to life in jail where he currently is.

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