I'd fly anywhere for you

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Jacob and I have gone through a bad distance together. Between jealousy, miscommunication, sometimes we were not even able to talk. Either I was busy or he was and it became annoying. Our talks were about 2 minutes tops just ask about each other's day and then say bye. It's becoming unnecessarily awkward and annoying.

"Happy first month of school Juniors!" The teacher announces as he walks through the door. "But first we are gonna start the day with a small psychological exercise" He sits in his puff and stare at us. He is the ethics profesor. I know he is a little bit of a hipster but I can't help to like him. My favourite teacher ever.

"Get in pairs, we are going to face each other please" Ryder taps at me and I nod. We look at each other.

"Now I want you guys to make eye contact for around, 3 minutes until I say so" we stand next to each other and start making eye contact. Times starts going on. His eyes are more intense than I thought. He smiles at me as he stares at my eyes.

Time goes by lightly. We just enjoy the silence and looking at each other as friends. "And we are done" The teacher says. I break eye contact with him.

"Now I want you to write a short paragraph describing this person, What you could sense that they may be thinking vs how you feel about them. But I want you to go opposite sides of the room so you can write it peacefully.

After 20 minutes of brainstorming and writing, the class is done. It was kinda hard for me, I honestly am not a great writer myself.

"Okay guys times up... hey about Ms Griffiths and Ryder come first" He calls us to the board.

"Now I want you both to sit here, and look at each other as you say this" he grabs the piece of paper off my hand. I sit and look at him.

Ryder's mind have a lot of thinks happening as always. Probably thinking about school, and stuff he have to do to be the good student and person he is. His mind works amazingly and so does his personality. I feel like he is a friend I can really trust on and someone who would never betray you, even if he had a lot going on.

I finish and put my note down. Then Ryder grabs his piece of paper and makes eye contact with me again.

"The thing about Ronnie is that you could never tell what is on her mind. She has different ways to view the situation that are never expected and it makes her unique. In her eyes you see how much she has suffered, and maybe currently is too, but those eyes that cried a lot, that at some point have to look away and think about the situation or simply are the one's you see in a nice Friday morning with a grin on her face shows her strength. A strength that I've never seen anyone to have. It shows her ability to show compassion and love, she may be having a bad time and have been crying all night but she wouldn't doubt a second if you ever need her. Those eyes shine when she is happy and get cloudy when she is sad and I think that it's so magnificent how her eye color is constantly shinning as if a bee made honey inside of her eyes. But what I feel about her is an endless cycle of happiness and laughter, and the best type of friendship anyone can give you."

I smile at Ryder after he is done and hug him.

"That is the type of connections we want to form you guys!! This is what the exercise was all about" The teacher point at us hugging.

When we sit back and listen the others talk I lay my head on his arm as smile at him. "Thank you for that, it meant a lot for me" I whisper at him.

After some time I've started to realised something. I really don't need to be 24/7 around Jacob anymore. My life is finally growing complete again. Between being with the guys and Chelsea. Hanging out with my siblings even became the best thing ever. I even became co-captain of the cheer team. I really am starting to settle to the idea of him far away and I don't call him that often anymore. I am growing as a person and with my friendships and I think that is the most special thing of all.

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