The kid's first party

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"Hey Bailey?" I walk inside her ballet class.

"Hi Ron" she goes in and hugs me.

"You are coming with me today okay? Since your mom dad and Jacob travelled we will have a girl's weekend" she looks excited. We walk back to the car.

"This are my two friends Zach and Ryder" I present them to her.

"Friends?" She asks.

"Yeah, they are my boy friends" I smile at her.

"I thought my brother was your boyfriend!" She sounds confused.

"He is, but this guys are my friends who are boys" I explain to her.

"Can I play with your phone?" I hand it to her and she opens her app. They both laugh.

We arrive to my place and the boys go to the kitchen to say hi to my dad.

"Dad this is Bailey, Jacob's sister" he waves at her and she waves back. Then, we go to my room and sit next to her.

"I like your bed" she sits down. The boys walk right back in. "Is this where Jacob and you wrestle?" she asks. I frown my face.

"Sometimes at night I hear some strange sounds and poundings and Jacob said it is because he is teaching you how to wrestle in his room, I said when I'm older I want to learn how to do it too!" That naïve poor child. The guys are trying not to die from laughter.

"Oh, yes, we wrestle here" I go with the flow.

"We'll be at the kitchen cooking you a snack, call me if you need anything" we walk down with my dad already gone.

"So this wrestling with Jacob? How many times a week?" Zach mocks me while Ryder laughs.

"Ohh shut up" I start to blush a little bit.

"No no, it's okay, I'm guessing you are getting amazing at wrestling maybe you can teach me some day" Ryder answers this time.

"As if" I hit his shoulder. I make some scrambled eggs and a piece of bagel and take it upstairs. She is using my old dollhouse I brought from Australia. She is also very interested in my Polaroids.

"Can you take a picture like that with me?" She asks.

"Of course honey" I grab a camera and take a selfie of the both of us.

"This is for you, and this is for my wall" the both of them look adorable.

"So, Bails... I have this event tonight, do you want to come with me?" I ask.

"Okay!! I want to go" she says excited.

"Super! After that we will go to your house and have a small pj party" she starts running around excited. On that note I start getting dressed and braid her hair. She grabs my hand and we walk downstairs next to the boys.

They are also ready so we drive to the place. There the place is kind of full. I just grab Bailey in my arms so she doesn't get lost.

"Ronnie this is Holly, Holly my best Friend, Ronnie" Zach presents me to a girl.

"Wait, I know you" she says. But then I see her looking at Bailey.

"You are Bailey Evans right?" She nods.

"Yeah I don't know if you remember me" she asks.

"No, but nice to meet you" Bailey smiles at her. I thought I was the only girl he presented. Guess he didn't tell me about her...

She was actually a good person. The evening went well and Bailey was quiet all the time. We had a good time but it was already time to go.

I grabbed Bailey and the boys and they drove me home.

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