Back to the 50s

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We close Justin's car and go inside the house. No one is home as usual and it's only us three.

"Hey guys I'll be at the pool" Justin announces. Well us two.

"Ooh cool, I'll come with you" Tommy follows. It's only me then. They went to their rooms to get pool shorts then left. I have absolutely no freaking plans for tonight. So nice. Maybe Chelsea isn't up to something tonight. I grab my phone and call her.

*Hey Ron Ron*

*Hi Chels, how are you?*

*Good, how about you?*

*Fine thanks. Umm hey do you have any plans for tonight?*

*I am going overs to Max, I think that he is thinking on watching a movie*


*But you can come if you want*

*No, don't worry I got plans too. See you on Monday then?*

*sure babe, bye*

I hang the phone. Now Chelsea is out of the list. Ian said that he was going to Austin this weekend so I have nothing to do tonight and probably all weekend.

*Wyd?* the notification is from Mike once again.

*Nothing tbh, I have no plans for the weekend*


*Idk all my friends went out I guess*

*That sucks, but if you are interested, I know a great place where we can spend a Saturday*

*I'm totally in*

*Great... I can go pick u up*

*That would be nice*

*Ok then it's settled*

*See you tomorrow Mike*

*See you Ronnie*

*Ohh and one more thing. Try your hardest to make a 50s look*

*50s? For what?*

*You'll see ;)*

*Okay I can't wait, bye Mike*

*Sweet dreams*

I throw my phone to my bed and get into the closet. Now I need a 50s look but I'm not even sure if I'll be able to pull it off. The example that I have is very out of my style area so I have nothing.

"Hey Ronnie" Anne walks in to all my mess. "What are you doing?" He looks around the room full of clothes.

"I'm supposed to gout tomorrow with my friend Mike and he told me that I have to dress like in the 50s but I can't find anything to wear" I give up and lay on my bed.

"Oh sweetheart, let me help you" she grabs my arm and then takes me to her room. We walk into her large closet it's larger than mine and she silently select a big amount of clothes.

"Now we got a lot of options to decide from" she puts it all in the king sized bed. "So I really love this shirt" she shows me a red dotted thin shirt. That is definitely retro. "Do you have a black jean?" She asks.

"Yeah I do" I can't stop admiring the red shirt.

"Take this and try both of it on" I take the shirt and change in my room. I see myself in the mirror. It's not that bad but I don't love it. I walk back to her room.

"What do you think?" I show it to her.

"It's... ok, lets keep looking for options" she grabs a dress and gives hot to me. Still not convincing. Everytime the options were less. Until she got a light blue skirt. I really love this skirt and I think it would fit perectly. I try it on and she is right. It fits. She recommended me to use a white tip with not short but not long sleeves. It looks perfect.

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