Breaking my heart

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Ronnie's POV

Okay now it's oficial, I'm never drinking again. Never ever drinking again. "Feeling better?" Justin asks stirring in my bed next to me.

"Yeah a lot better" I smile. "Hey tomorrow at school... what's gonna happen with this whole situation?".

"Well neither Jacob nor Mike are gonna be able to be in practice so I guess that things will be chill in practice" I am terrified. I don't want them to fight again.

"Don't worry Ron, I'll handle things cautiously so neither of us 4 get hurt" he holds me by the shoulder.

"I really appreciate it thanks" I lay my head on his shoulder.

"But please, don't do anything that will make us want to fight" he say. Am I supposed to tell him that I am having this thing with Jake and at the same time I'm dating Mike?

"Of course, don't worry" I smile. "I'm going to sleep now okay?". I open the sheets in my bed.

"Good night Ronnie" he stands up and walk tot he door.

"Night Justin" I smile and he smiles back. As I payed down in bed my phone buzzed.

See you tomorrow :)

That was Mike. I really feel like ending things with Jake wasn't the best idea specially cause I think that I have big feelings for him.

Next day I wake up at 6 and start getting ready for school. I put black jeans and a white polo shirt on. A high pony tail and get my make up ready. "Ready V? We got to go" Tommy comes in.

"Yeah, tell Justin that I'll be right there" I smile and continue getting ready. As I finish my makeup I run downstairs and get an apple from the fruit basket.

"Come on Ronnie you are gonna be late to school" my dad sips a little bit of his coffee.

"Yeah don't worry dad" I smile. I finish drinking coffee and quickly stand up.

"Wait Ronnie" he grabs my arm. "Please don't let the boys get in any more trouble". He requests. I take a brief second to answer.

"Don't worry dad, I'm handling it" I walk out the door.

"Wow the planets are aligned, Veronica is ready" he mocks me. Both Tommy and Justin laughs. I roll my eyes and get in the car.

As we park in the school Tommy goes out of the car but I hold Justin inside by his shirt.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa is everything okay Ron?" He asks.

"Remember our deal?". I whisper low enough so Tommy doesn't listen outside of the car.

"What deal?" He asks. He is taping his fingers in desperation to get out and it's very annoying.

"No fighting!" I remind him.

"We won't I promise" he opens the door . I open the door too.

"My dad is trusting us both Justin" I say out loud. By this time Tom is already walking toward his first class.

"I know Ron, I'll try my hardest" we walk to class besides each other. He leaves me at my class and I walk in.

Ian is not in his seat. That is very weird. Oh wait he told me that he had a tennis tournament or something.

"Guys today I'll be assigning pairs to work on a project" the teacher announces.

She puts me with a girl I never talked to. Her name is Rebekah. I really hopped that I was going to be with Em but the teacher decided to not do it

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