Sick Day

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Credit to Renowned-Wolf for helping me with ideas for this chapter

You are shown still peacefully sleeping after your imprisonment at the hands of Stella. After slowly opening your eyes, you notice that instead of lying face down on the couch, you are lying on your back in a luxurious bed. After rubbing at your head, feeling the beads of sweat, you sit up and notice that you're in Verosika's mansion.

Y/N: (Slightly coughing) How did I get here?

You stand up and are immediately hit by a throbbing headache.

Y/N: Okay, that was a mistake.

The bedroom door opens and your girlfriends enter.

Verosika: (Sounding like a scolding mother) Hey, no. No! Sit back down.

She and Loona gently push you back onto the bed while Millie jams a thermometer in your mouth.

Y/N: (muffled) Uhhh...

Kiki: Don't say anything. Just let the thermometer do its' work.

The thermometer beeps and Millie pulls it out of your mouth.

Millie: Well, you don't have a fever.

Y/N: Ok, not that I don't appreciate you doing this, but *why* are you doing this?

Apple: Because you're sick, silly.

Octavia: And as your girlfriends, it's our job to take care of you.

Y/N: (To Loona and Millie) What about Blitzo and Moxxie? (coughing)

Loona: They can handle things by themselves for a day.

Y/N: I don't want to you girls sick.

Milky: Relax. Condemned sinners aren't contagious to natural-born Demons.

Coco: Just *please* let us take care of you.

Harem: Puppy dog eyes

Y/N: Can't...resist...the cuteness! Ok. If it means that much to you, you can take care of me.

You're immediately hugged tightly by your girlfriends.

Y/N: (Strained) But we can maybe hold off on the hugging until I can breath normally again.

They release you and get off the bed, except for Loona and Octavia, who are lying on either side of you.

Verosika: And what are you two doing?

Loona and Octavia: (To each other) Yeah, what are you doing?

Apple: And what gives you the right to cuddle him over the rest of us?

Loona & Octavia: Fur/Feathers.

Rest of Harem: Mixed grumbling

Millie: Fine. You get to keep him warm. For now. ('I'm watching you' signal)

 ('I'm watching you' signal)

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