Cherri Pie (One-shot. 18 +)

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Credit to Renowned Wolf for the scenario.

Takes place after the events of Season 1, before the events of Valentines day.

Scene opens on you meeting Cherri Bomb at her apartment for your date.

Cherri: Hey, Puppy! (hugs you). I didn't get you in too much trouble with your girlfriends, did I?

Y/N: No, we worked it out. Everything is fine.

Cherri: Glad to hear it worked out. (Kisses your cheek)

Y/N: I've got the whip and bite marks to prove it.

Cherri: Aww, now I feel guilty. (seductive) How about I make it up to you later?

She tugs on your belt and pulls you close before she kisses down your neck.

Y/N: Let's see where the night takes us.

Cherri: Where're we going tonight?

Y/N: A nightclub called "Ironheade". It's in the living world and I used to go to all the time, it's like it got stuck in the 80s.

Cherri: I'll be the judge of that.

Y/N: Unfortunately it's closing and tonight is the final night.

Cherri: Then let's send them off with a bang.

You open a portal to the living world in an alley next to the nightclub with Cherri's disguise being her normal look but with average white skin tone and normal human face with an eye patch. You approach the door with the bouncer.

Bouncer: Gotta check you.

The two of you produce fake I.Ds.

A/N: I know they're adults, but legally speaking, both of them are dead.

Bouncer: You two definitely belong here.

Cherri: It's like I got lost in the wrong decade.

Bouncer: Any guns besides these? (Gestures to your muscular arms)

Y/N: These are all I need.

The two of you head inside and are immediately met with loud music and bright lights.

Cherri: Get a few drinks, then hit the dance floor?

Y/N: Anything you want, Firestarter.

After a few drinks the two of you start dancing while this song plays

Y/N: This is perfect.

Cherri: I'll say.

She gives you a seductive gaze and starts grinding on you while you wrap your arms around her.

Cherri: Too bad this place is closing.

Y/N: I know. At least I got to experience its' final moments with a beautiful woman.

Cherri: Come here!

She wraps her arms around your neck and initiates a heated make-out session.

During this, the two of you stumble into somebody.

Y/N: Ace? Josh? Kat? What are you guys doing here?

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