Birthday Imagine

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“WAKE UP, WAKE UP!! COME ON, (Y/N)! WAKE UP!!” You heard the familiar voice shouting through your house.

You grumbled something before tossing the covers off. You shivered at the sudden contact with the cold air. Pulling yourself out of bed, you prepared yourself to yell at Niall for waking you up so early.

But, you stopped dead in your tracks when you noticed the balloons, banners, party streamers, and party hats everywhere. Your eyes slowly traveled around the room, noticing the giant cake on the table, surrounded by other various party supplies. You were about to ask what the occasion was, when you remembered the date. You totally forgot that it was your birthday!

“Niall!” You screamed, throwing yourself at him. He grabbed you into a tight hug, whispering ‘Happy Birthday’ into your ear.

You thanked him before touring your party-decorated house. “How long did this take you? Wait-how did you even get in?” You asked, a bit panicked.

He held up a key. “Spare key under the mat, and it took me a couple hours, not including the time it took me to bake you this beautiful cake,” He said.

You smiled, “Well, thank you so much! This is like the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me,” You said, reaching for a balloon.

He reached under the table for something, and pulled out a gift bag. “I got you something,” He muttered, holding the bag out to you.

You hesitantly took it. “Nialler, you didn’t need to get me anything! Just having you here is enough,” You told him, flashing him a grin.

He looked down at the ground with a little giggle. “I think you’ll like it,” He said, shyly.

You took his present and opened it next to him. You smiled hugely as soon as you saw what it was. He got you a hoodie that said “<~ He’s my Bestie.”

He laughed before revealing something that was behind his back. It was another hoodie that said “She’s my Bestie. ~>”

You laughed super loud as you looked down at your hoodie which you had already thrown over your head. They matched perfectly. You pulled him into another hug, and he kissed the top of your head.

The whole day you guys partied in honor of your birthday, wearing your matching hoodies.

“Thanks so much for the best birthday ever, Niall,” You said, hugging him once again.

“Of course, (Y/N). Just remember…we’ll always be besties,” He smiled.

“Always,” You confirmed, swiping some frosting from the leftover piece of cake.

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