Imagine for Kristol!

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You glared at Niall as he pushed through the door, kicking his shoes off and walking past you to the kitchen, ignoring you all the while.

He grabbed a cup and filled it with cold water, drinking it down like he hadn't drank anything in years.

"Um, hello?" You said, waving your hand in front of him sarcastically and impatiently tapping your foot on the floor.

He rolled his eyes at you, continuing to drink his water.

"Okay, you know what Niall, I am so done with this!" You shouted, throwing your hands in the air. "Everyday, you come home and you act like this! Like I'm not even here! Do you even care about me anymore, Niall?! Because it sure as hell doesn't feel like you do! We barely talk anymore, you ignore my calls throughout the day, you won't even touch me anymore!"

He chuckled darkly and set his glass down on the counter. "There ya go again, blaming everything on me," He complained.

Your eyes grew wide and your hands formed into fists as anger built up inside of you. "I am NOT blaming you for everything! It's true, Niall! You won't even look at me anymore!"

Niall turned his head toward you, staring you directly in the eyes with an evil smirk on his face. "What was that?" He sassed.

"Well, you still don't even touch me! It's like you think I'm contagious or somethi-"

He walked up to you and pressed his hands to your sides, firmly holding you in your place. "Go on," He teased with that same stupid smirk.

You groaned in frustration. He must have been trying to prove a point. Though, you could get something out of this too; if that's the way he wanted to play it.

"You won't even kiss me anymore!" You hissed and sure enough, he smashed his lips onto yours, in perfect rhythm.

He pulled away, taking a quick breath. "You were saying..." He winked.

You held in your breath for the next one. If he really did this, you would be absolutely satisfied. Though, this particular task was one you were certain he wouldn't fulfill.

"And I can't remember the last time you told me you loved me and honestly meant it," You whispered, dropping your eyes from his.

He stared at you for a minute and you could feel the tears pricking at your eyes as he stayed silent. You knew he wouldn't be able to do this. This was too much.

You were about to turn away and angrily leave the house when he stopped you dead in your tracks.

"I love you, Kristol," He said, making your heart flutter.

You turned around, watching as he continued to stare into your eyes. "Really?" You whispered, a couple joyful tears slipping out.

"Really," He nodded. "You know I would never lie to you."

You charged toward him and threw yourself into his arms, giving him tiny kisses all over his face. "I'm sorry," You said.

He shook his head and held you close to him. "No, I should be the one apologizing. But you know I wasn't ignoring you on purpose, princess. I've just been really busy with work lately and all of that is always on my mind. But I still love you and I still need you in my life. I'm sorry if you thought I hated you or that I didn't want to see you anymore because that's certainly not true, Kristol. I'd be nothing without my princess," He said, kissing your forehead.

You smiled, inhaling his scent. "And I'd be nothing without my Nialler."

**I hope you liked it! Sorry for the wait!**

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