Imagine for Sophia!

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"Niall, that's kinda weird," You said over the phone, staring out your bedroom window.

"It is not weird! Just a sleepover between friends. We can watch movies, eat popcorn, paint each other's nails..." Niall said, laughing toward the end.

You chuckled, "I'm sure your nails would look glamorous, Nialler."

"So, can we? Pwease?" He begged. You could just picture him pulling his best puppy-dog face at the moment.

You let out a deep breath and said, "Fine."

"Yay! I'll be over in ten!" Niall exclaimed, hanging up the phone, giving you no time to change your mind.

You hurried and picked up some of your random clothes that were scattered around the room, and rushed down to make some popcorn. You grabbed a bag and put it in the microwave, and got a bowl for it all. Once it was done, you poured it in the bowl, realizing that Niall was quite the hungry boy. So you made another bag, just to be safe.

Just as you finished with the popcorn, Niall came bursting through the door.

"Ever heard of knocking?!" You said, shutting the door after him.

He laughed and set down his stuff. "No, actually," He joked, continuing to the kitchen where the popcorn was. "Did you put butter on this?" He asked, grabbing the giant bowl.

You rolled your eyes. "Of course I did, darling."

He gave you a thumbs-up while taking a handful from the bowl and stuffing it in his mouth. "What're we gonna watch?" He asked through a mouthful of popcorn.

"I dunno," You shrugged.

He plopped himself down on your couch and set the bowl on the side table, flicking a light on. "Maybe we should do something else then, hm?"

"Like what? Paint each other's nails?" You giggled, sitting down next to him.

"I was just joking about that, you know..." Niall said, fearing that you were actually going to do it.

"Really?" You gasped. "I thought you were serious, pretty boy." You laughed. The one thing that you loved about your friendship with Niall was that you were always joking with each other.

He laughed sarcastically and kicked his shoes off, getting real comfortable in your house.

"I was actually thinking of something else," He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

You gave him a suspicious look. "No creepy stuff, Horan."

"No, no. Nothing like that. I mean, unless you want to?" He wiggled his eyebrows again, winking at you.

"Shut up!" You smacked his arm playfully.

He chuckled, moving a little closer to you. "Sooooo..."


You both sat quietly next to each other until Niall spoke up, getting your attention by poking your side. "This is probably gonna freak you out. And you'll probably never see me the same after this," He admitted, looking up into your eyes.

You began to feel nervous, and you met his eyes that were still looking at you. "W-what?"

"I, uh, I like you, ya know?" He said, scratching the back of his neck like he always does when he's nervous.

You didn't quite understand what he meant right away, so you just shrugged. "Yea..."

He sighed and got up, "Never mind," He said, sounding defeated. He went off to your bedroom.

You found him laying on your bed. "Niall? What's wrong?" You asked, sitting on the bed beside him.

He shook his head, "Nothing. Just a little tired."

You patted his back and stood. "Do you wanna just skip the nail painting and go straight to bed?"

He shrugged again. "If you want."

You decided to just go to bed then, since Niall suddenly seemed exhausted. You let him sleep on your bed, because knowing Niall, it would take a lot to get him to move. You kind of just set up a blanket and a couple pillows on the floor. But, you weren't exactly tired so you just sat there.

It was close to midnight and you had just been sitting on the floor for hours, staring at a wall as if it was the most exciting thing ever.

You were about ready to drag Niall out of your bed when you noticed his sleepy head pop up. "Hey," He whispered. "You awake?"

You nodded.

"Uh, maybe I should get out of your bed. The floor can't be that comfortable," He suggested, as he sat up.

"No, it's alright, I guess. I've just been thinking," You told him, holding your knees close to your chest.

"Oh no, don't hurt yourself," He laughed.

"Hey, I'm being serious for once," You said, after giggling a bit.

He cleared his throat. "Sorry. What's on your mind?"

You looked to the side, "I was actually thinking about what you said earlier."

He sighed and moved closer to the edge of the bed, so he was by you. "I didn't mean to get you thinking, really."

"What exactly did you mean by 'liking' me?" You asked.

He looked a bit surprised at what you said, but he answered you anyway. "Um, well, ya know. We've been friends for quite some time and I just...I like you a lot, Sophia."

You stopped for a minute to take it in, and that's when you realized it. You finally understood what he meant. "Oh," You whispered. "I think I like you too, Niall."

"That's what I thought-wait, what?"

"I like you too," You squeaked out, standing up and sitting next to him on the bed.

He smiled really wide and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. "I didn't think you were gonna like me back," He said.

You smiled and rested against him. "Maybe we can share the bed, yeah?"

He laughed. "Yea, I didn't think the floor was very comfortable."

You laughed with him and sat there for a while, thinking about how glad you were that you agreed to have a sleepover.

**I hope you liked it!!**

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