Imagine for (Y/N)!

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**(Y/D/N) = Your Daughter's Name. You can choose what you want her name to be.**

"Uh, babe?" You heard Niall's sweet voice ring through the phone.

"Yes, pretty boy?" You responded as you stepped into your office at work, sighing with relief when you realized that you arrived on time.

He giggled and said quickly, "(Y/D/N) has, um, an issue..."

You stopped in your place, clutching the phone closer to your ear. "Issue? Niall, what's going on?" You immediately panicked.

He sighed and you could just picture him running his fingers through his blonde hair at that moment. "I don't really know how to explain it?" He said, as if he had a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

"Niall! Tell me what the hell is going on!" You shouted into the phone, earning glares from the people in the offices next to you. Ignoring them, you found your swivel chair and planted yourself in it.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke up, "Okay...(Y/D/N)gotherperiodandshe'sbleedingeverywhereandneitherofusknowwhattodo," He said super quickly, barely stopping to breathe.

"Niall, honey, calm down and repeat that slowly and in English, please," You said.

He chuckled before saying, in a rather quiet and timid voice, "(Y/D/N) got her period...and she's a bloody mess...literally! I don't know what to do, (Y/N)."

You smiled, glad that the issue wasn't too serious. "Should I take an early lunch break and come home?" You asked into the phone.

"If you can..." Niall trailed off.

Taking that as a yes, you told him you'd be home in fifteen minutes and you quickly packed up your things, grabbing your phone, and heading home. You explained the situation to your boss, he understood and allowed you to run home quickly to fix the problem.

As soon as you got home, you could hear screams from the driveway. You parked your car, locked it, and hurried inside to see your daughter lying on the floor with her arms wrapped around her mid-section.

"Hey," You said in a calm voice as you knelt down next to her. "What's up?"

She groaned and rolled over to face you, pain written all over her face. "I'm bleeding and my stomach hurts!" She screamed at you as if you were supposed to know.

You glanced up at Niall, whom was standing in the corner of the room, scratching the back of his neck like he usually does when he's nervous or stressed. You could tell by looking at him that he felt bad. Looking back down at your daughter, you stood up and rested your hands on your hips.

"I'm going to go grab some supplies. Do we have any chocolate in the house?" You asked Niall as you made your way to the bathroom.

"I don't even know!" Niall called from the living room, his voice drenched in worry.

You grabbed a pad and headed back to the living room, where your daughter continued to groan and yell at every single thing.

"(Y/D/N), do you know how to put these-" You started, soon being interrupted by her.

"Mom!" She shrieked, hobbling to her feet and snatching the pad from you. "I can do it by myself, okay?!" She hollered, limping her way to the bathroom.

"Okay then," You said with a chuckle.

You noticed Niall still standing in the corner, not looking too great himself.

"Sweetie, it's okay. I got it under control, (Y/D/N)'s gonna be fine," You soothed, walking up to him and gently brushing your fingers up and down his arm.

He sighed. "I don't wanna sound like a horrible dad, but she was being such a brat," He admitted.

You chuckled, nodding your head. "It's the hormones, honey. She's out on another planet right now, it's what happens. If she said anything offensive to you, please don't take it to heart. I can guarantee you she didn't mean it. But I should warn you, babe- she'll be like this for quite some time. She'll go through crazy mood swings and cravings. Usually chocolate does the trick, though. And for future reference, you can give her a pain reliever to help with the stomach cramps that she's suffering from."

Niall nodded, wrapping his arms around you. "I don't know what I'd do without you," He whispered into your hair.

You chucked and replied, "I don't know either."

"I love you, (Y/N)," He said, smiling.

"I love you too, Niall," You whispered back just as your daughter stomped back into the room.

"Ew!" She screeched. "You guys are so disgusting! Stop hugging!"

**Haha I hope you liked it!! This was definitely an interesting request, I've never gotten one like this before! It was fun to write, so I hope you enjoyed it! Oh, and by the way, you didn't tell me your name, so I just wrote it as anonymous.**

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now