Imagine for Jamie!

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“I love you, Jamie,” Liam said as he rested his forehead against yours. You smiled in return, opening your mouth to say the same back to him. But your words were cut short when Niall burst into the room, belting out a song and dancing his way over to you and Liam.

Liam groaned and glared at Niall, while the Irish boy came to a stop and ended his song with a rather off-key high note. “Good afternoon, love,” Niall smiled at you, bowing down and taking your hand in his, lightly pressing his lips to it. You couldn’t help but giggle and faintly blush, hoping Liam wouldn’t notice.

Liam shoved Niall away and pulled you into his side. “What do you want, Horan?” He asked, clenching his jaw and waiting for Niall’s response.

“Oh, I just came to deliver the message,” He started. “Lunch is ready.”

You smiled and looked up at Liam before tugging him along, following as Niall led the way to the kitchen. You were currently staying in the same house as the boys, since you were Liam’s girlfriend, and you were planning on joining them in their upcoming tour.

Liam tightened his grip on your hand as you stopped abruptly behind Niall. He handed you two plates, and you passed one back to Liam. You followed in the line as everybody served themselves. Sitting around the living room, you listened in as the sounds of the television and the five rowdy boys combined to create quite the noise. You were often quiet and kept out of the conversation, as you were far more interested in hearing what they had to say.

“Good game yesterday, yeah?” Niall smirked as he looked at Louis from the corner of his eye. “Derby all the way, mate.”

Louis shook his head and shot back, “We’ll see about that one.”

You chuckled along with everyone else, since Niall and Louis usually had these playful arguments over whose team was better. Finishing your lunch, you set your plate on the coffee table in front of you before scooting closer to Liam and leaning against him. He rested his chin on top of your head and looked over you, catching Niall as he stared at you. Liam glared at him, and Niall quickly turned his attention back to his food. You sat there; completely oblivious to what was going on until Liam suddenly shifted behind you, a low groan leaving his lips.

“You okay?” You asked quietly as he slid out from behind you.

He ignored your question and exited the room, leaving you alone on the couch with a confused expression on your face.

“What’s up with him?” Louis asked, making a pouty face while forking a noodle.

“Don’t know,” You said with a shrug before standing and hurrying after Liam. The boys grew silent, probably trying to listen in as you joined Liam in the bedroom you shared with him. He was sat on the bed, running his fingers through his hair.

“Liam,” You said rather loudly, standing in the doorway with your arms crossed. “What’s wrong?”

He sighed and shook his head, resting his elbows on his knees. He looked straight ahead, staring out the window in front of him. There was nothing in particular that he was looking at, and you knew that he was trying to find something else to focus on.

“It’s not something I did, is it?” You worried.

“It’s actually something you didn’t do,” Liam spoke up, his voice shaking.

“What?” You spat, not expecting that answer from him. You straightened your posture so that you were no longer leaning and you narrowed your eyes, staring at the back of his head as he continued to face away from you.

“You didn’t even get the chance to say you love me back,” His voice sounded angry and you watched as he balled his fists up. “Go back to Niall, why don’t you? He’s probably better than me, anyway,” Liam said in a flat tone. And with that, he stood and pushed past you. You gasped and spun around on your heels, stomping after him.

“Excuse you,” You hissed. You were now in the same room as the others, and Liam stood threateningly at the door as if he was about to walk out at any second. “Where are you going, anyway?”

He looked around the room and the boys watched with worried expressions on their faces. Except Niall. He looked as if he was mentally daring Liam to walk through that door.

“Don’t worry,” Liam growled, making eye contact with you, before tugging the door open. “Niall will make you feel better.”

You stood, completely shocked as Liam slammed the door behind him. You listened to his heavy footsteps until you couldn’t hear them anymore, and you knew he was gone. A few fresh tears brimmed at your eyes and you bit your lip. You sniffled and your body shook while a pair of arms wrapped around you, holding you close.

His Irish accent stung as it rolled off of his tongue with his words and you felt a little weird to be in Niall’s arms. “I’m sorry,” He whispered.

“No,” You shook your head and turned around so that you were facing him. “No, don’t be sorry,” You forced your tears back and the other boys grew closer to you to, watching your every move so intently.

“If Liam thinks you’re better than him,” You started, inhaling a shaky but confident breath. “Then, maybe he’s right.”

Harry, Louis, and Zayn all turned to each other, their mouths hanging open. They must have been just as shocked as you were. Yet, you felt a certain rush course through you and you didn’t regret a single word.

Niall smirked and pressed his hands flatly to the side of your face, taking in your appearance. “I’ve been waiting so long to hear you say that.”

**No offense to Mr. Payne! Haha I feel like I need to say that. Anyway, I hope you liked it!**

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