Lucky Day

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You groaned internally when your daughter gasped, catching sight of the giant teddy bears. Her hand slipped from yours and she ran straight for the last pink one, leaning on the tips of her toes so she could wrap her arms around the huge stuffed animal. You smiled a little, because it was cute, but you knew it would be a definite struggle when it came to prying her away. "Mommy!" She squealed, pressing the side of her face to the teddy bear as she squeezed it with all the strength in her. She giggled and asked, "Mommy, can we get it?!"

You sighed and stepped behind her, placing your hand on her back. "Not today, sweetheart," You said, frowning apologetically. The last thing you needed in your small apartment was a giant teddy bear. She pouted and buried her face in the front of the teddy. "Alright, c'mon," You said, patting her shoulder, "Let's go home."

"No!" She stubbornly said, refusing to even look at you. Her arms were still wrapped around the pink teddy bear, and she had no intentions of letting go until you agreed to buy it for her. 

"The bear will still be here next time," You tried, "Maybe we'll get it next time, okay?" But 'maybe' wasn't good enough for her. And she didn't want to wait.

She shook her head, keeping a tight grip on the teddy bear. You were getting a bit irritated, and nearly ready to head out the door, when a voice interrupted you. "Oh!" You heard a chuckle, "Sorry, didn't see you there, love." Your daughter stared up at the blond man that suddenly emerged from the next aisle over. He didn't even notice you there, but instead kept his focus on your daughter. "You like that bear, don't you?" He asked, squatting down beside her. She nodded, but said nothing. Mommy says to never talk to strangers.

"Do you have a name for it?" He asked, using the paw of the teddy bear to bop your daughter on the top of her head. She giggled and shrugged in response to his question. You smiled a little, watching him interact with her. "I think you should call it something sweet, like 'sugar' or 'cupcake' or somethin'. What do ya think?"

"Cupcake!" She exclaimed, squeezing the bear close. 

The man beamed and balanced his elbows on his knees, asking, "Where's your family, love?" He thought it to be a bit odd that she was standing there by herself. You stood near the door, with your arms crossed, watching this scene unfold.

Your daughter peeled herself from the bear and turned toward you, quietly saying, "That's my mommy, but she said I can't get Cupcake today." The man brought himself to his feet as his eyes settled on you. Your eyes met with his and you stared at each other for a long moment before he cleared his throat and turned back to your daughter.

"Grab Cupcake," He said, fishing through his back pocket for his wallet, "I'll buy it for you." Your daughter squealed in excitement and tried to pull the huge bear off the shelf, which proved to be a struggle because it was twice her size. The man helped her get it off the shelf while you hurried over. "Hi," He kindly smiled at you, once your daughter had the bear in her arms. He extended a hand to you, saying, "I'm Niall."

You politely shook his hand and returned the smile, but said, "Niall, that's very nice of you, but she really doesn't need the bear. She's got tons of teddy bears at home." His smile fell, and so did your daughter's.

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