Imagine for Megan!

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  • Dedicated to meganloves1Dxoxo

You listened to your voice as it echoed through your empty house. You were stood in the shower, surrounded by steam while warm water rinsed over you. Holding a bottle of shampoo at your mouth, as if it was a microphone, you sang like you had a crowd of thousands listening to you. You were in the middle of belting out a rather high note when you heard a knock on the bathroom door. Your singing abruptly stopped and your eyes widened. To your knowledge, you were the only one in the house. There was another knock and you gripped your shampoo bottle, ready to defend yourself, if need be.

“Megan?” You heard your name from a voice that you knew all too well. Your shoulders fell and a sigh of relief slipped past your lips.

“Niall?” You questioned, and the door swung open to reveal none other than Niall himself. You couldn’t see him, though, because you were hiding behind the shower curtain. You continued to lather yourself in soap as Niall kicked the door shut.

“Do you think you could come out for a minute?” Niall spoke while catching sight of himself in the mirror. He brushed his fingers through his hair and straightened his shirt.

“Can you wait? I’ll be done soon, anyway. And how did you get in here?” You asked, turning to rinse the soap from your arms.

Niall smiled and said, “I let myself in. You don’t mind, do you? Listen, I have something to tell you, and I think I’ve waited long enough.”

You curiously peeked around the shower curtain to see Niall standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He still had a smile on his face as your eyes scanned over him. He nervously bit at his lip before saying, “I brought these for you.” He held the flowers out and you grinned. You disappeared behind the shower curtain while turning the water off. You were able to awkwardly find a way to grab your towel and wrap yourself up before shoving the curtain aside and stepping out. You took the flowers from Niall, admiring them as he pecked your forehead.

“Thanks,” You said, leaning on the tips of your toes to plant a thankful kiss on Niall’s lips.

His fingers brushed over your arms and he let out a shaky breath. “I, uh, I have something to tell you. And something to ask you, actually,” He mumbled.

You slid your feet into a pair of slippers and moved around Niall to open the bathroom door. Cool air rushed through, sending a chill over your body. You motioned for him to follow you, and he did, while you searched for a vase to put the flowers in. Upon finding one, you filled it with enough water and dropped the beautiful flowers into the vase. You spun around, and unexpectedly slammed into Niall’s chest. He placed his hands on your waist to stabilize you, and after taking a deep breath, he said, “I love you.”

You paused and your eyes met with his. His face was still with a serious expression and his eyes softly stared at you. A loving smile spread across your face and you whispered, “I love you, too.”

“Well, that’s good, because I want you to move in with me,” Niall told you, knitting his fingers together with yours. With your hands in his, he swung his arms from side to side. “Me and a couple of my friends can help you move your stuff. It won’t be that difficult, I’m sure we can get it all done in one day.”

You rested your arms on his shoulders and leaned on the tips of your toes again to lightly peck his lips. “Let’s do it,” You said.

**I hope you enjoyed it!**

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