The Problem- Epilogue

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**Remember this one?? I posted the fifth part a while ago and I promised an epilogue, so here it is! As always, I hope you enjoy it!**

You mumbled a few apologies while awkwardly stepping over people's feet to get to your spot in the front row of the bleachers. There was one small space open, and you were determined to get there before anyone else could. You wanted to be as close to the field as you could get.

The sky was getting dark and stars hung above your head. People filed in, and you ended up being crammed between two seniors. You were a sophomore now. The people around you were noisy and couldn't seem to sit still for even just a few seconds. But they seemed excited for the match, and you appreciated that. You kept yourself calm, unlike the rest of the crowd, for as long as you could. But when the announcer's voice rang through the speakers and the team came flooding onto the field, even you were on your feet. You couldn't control yourself any longer. The whole crowd seemed to be cheering, and all you could focus on was watching each player until you saw your boyfriend. They all came out, one by one, and Niall was yet to run onto the field. As each player came out, their name was announced through the speakers. You felt your breath catch in your throat when the announcer said, "And, finally...your captain, Niall Horan!" The announcer paused before adding, "Let's hope he'll bring some of his Irish luck onto the field tonight." You bounced around in your spot and flailed your arms, screaming as loud as you possibly could. Niall jogged onto the field and gave a small wave to the crowd, flashing his beautiful smile. The bleachers were packed. He had quite a crowd to play in front of. But it stood to reason. This was the championship match, making it the biggest and most important of the season. You knew all about the significance of this match, as Niall hadn't shut up about it in the days leading up to it.

Niall was nominated team captain for his first season with the team, and for this, Niall was more than honored. It was quite an accomplishment. At your school, this was the first time anyone had ever been a captain during their first season, and Niall held the title proudly. The team had formed two lines, creating a kind of human hallway for Niall to run through. He slapped all their hands as he ran through, and the cheers in the crowd intensified. When he made it to the end, the very last player patted Niall's back and said something to him, earning a nod from Niall.

The opposing team was introduced in the same manner. You, along with a good portion of the crowd, took this opportunity to sit back down. In all honesty, you weren't very interested in the other team. You watched as their captain ran onto the field and hugged a few of his teammates before crossing the field to meet Niall. They shook hands and exchanged a few words.

You were on the edge of your seat during the whole game. Your eyes followed the players as they raced around the field, and you tried to keep track of the ball as best as you could. It was a bit confusing from time to time, as one second your team would have the ball, and the next a player on the opposite side would have it. You felt your heart racing and your hands sweating as you watched Niall receive a pass from someone on his team. He dribbled the ball between his feet and maneuvered down the field, avoiding as many opposing players as he could. Someone stretched out his foot to steal the ball from Niall, but Niall swerved around him, earning an outburst of cheers from the crowd. You knew his heart was racing right along with yours.

Niall was well along the field when he heard the captain from last year yell out, "Niall, shoot!" Niall's eyes glanced up and he saw an open goal in front of him. The crowd hushed in anticipation as Niall took only a second to prepare himself for the kick. He knew he didn't have a lot of time. A pack of players raced toward Niall as he inhaled a deep breath and kicked his leg out, and the ball went flying. You stood, watching the ball soar right into the net. You could see the opposing team cursing as they paced around the field, nervous about the score Niall just made. This was the first score of the game, so now your school was ahead. Niall took a hug from last year's captain before high-fiving a number of his other teammates. His dad should be here to see this, you thought to yourself, I bet he'd love his son now.

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