Imagine for Abby!

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You yawned as you sat up, stretching out your arms. You had a long day ahead of you, and what better way to prepare yourself than to hit up the coffee shop down the street.

So after you grabbed yourself a nice little drink, you made your way to work. At the time, you had a simple little job working in a book store. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get you by until you finished college. As you entered the book store, you found your spot behind the check-out counter, and set your stuff down. Taking your drink with you, you got to work in checking the shelves to make sure every book was correctly placed. Yea, not the best part of the job, but it had to be done. Besides, you weren't the only one doing it, other employees helped out.

After that part was over, you found your way back behind the check-out counter as the store opened, and a couple anxious readers entered immediately. You chuckled as they attacked the shelves, obviously familiar with the place.

The day was long, as you expected, and a bit boring. It wasn't your usual busy day. Towards the end of your shift, a young boy walked in. He looked about your age, and he smiled at you, approaching you. You put on your best smile and waved to him.

"Hi there," He said in some sort of accent that you didn't quite recognize at first.

"Hi! Is there something I can help you with?" You asked with a friendly grin.

"Yea, I was just looking for anything about becoming a singer?" He said, blushing at the ground. "I'm, uh, I'm trying to be a famous singer," He explained. "You know; work with the biggest and best names in the industry? That kind of stuff."

He was adorable. And he wanted to be a famous singer. Not too much to ask.

"Yes, well, we have biographies...we might have some sort of educational book about that. I can check," You said, walking out from around the counter.

He smiled at you, and followed after you as you continued through the store to the educational section. You pulled out a book titled "Want to Sing?" You looked it over, read the description about it, before handing it to the boy. "How about this one?" You asked him.

He opened it up and read the first page, giving you a satisfied smile. "This should work. Thanks...?"

"Abby," You quickly spat.

"Thanks, Abby. I'm Niall, by the way," He said.

You nodded. "Follow me up to the front, and I'll ring it up for you, Niall."

Once you got back up front, you scanned the book, telling him the price and then bagging it for him after he paid for it. "Thanks for stopping in. Maybe I'll see you again," You said.

"I hope so. Nice to meet you, Abby," He waved before leaving the store.

**I hope you liked it!**

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